Globalisation And International Trade Flashcards
Globalisation definition, macro econ performance definnition
Globalisation has largely been of benefit- ‘played its paprt in teh success of uk econ’- as one of most open econ in world
Yet does experience negative consequences of globalisation too- problems it may also have created’
Main three themes globalisation sucess essay
Impact onn exports, gdp growth, current account bop
Impact on structural econ change and equity
Impact on inflation
Globalisation definition
Greater international interdependence
More free movement of the factors of production
Macroeconomic performance
Can be assessed in terms of macroeconomic objectives
Bop balanced equilibrium, growth gdp, full employment, equity, low stable inflation
Impact of globalisation on exports, gdp growth, current account bop benefit
Globalisation decreases barriers to trade- remove tarrifs, exchange controls, deregulation of financial services sector-
Former membership of eu lead to inward investment from foreign multinationals, growth financial services sector, aeronautical products, pharmaceuticals
Fdi- nissan car batery plant- boost exports of ehiccles
Foreign investment invest exports financial servcs
All boost gdp growth, employment, positive impact of 63 wuaters of uninterupetd growth 1993-2008
Growth financial services huge increase in hot money flows in uk econ money markets, expanding bank lending and fuelling consumer credit bom
Increasinng consumer spending incentivising a rise in investment and property bom (increase constructuonq
Impact on exports gdp growth bop- cons
Growth in consumer credit and high mpm- persistent and increasing defifitc ion current account bop despite significant increase exports
Lathough since brexit and partial retreat from gobalisation, exporys fallen 14% yet imports have not reduced
Our dependence on financial services ssector and globailsation- ‘has made it likely that econ problems in one part ofthe world will spreadto other parts’
Overall- largely enefitcial, but more need for checks
Impact on sturctural econ change and equity- benefits
Gloablisation as previously stated has seen growth indsutry, financial services, retailing- due to availability of cheap imports such as clothing and manufactured consumer goods
‘Developed nations have benefitted from low cost manufatured imports’ ‘seek new comparative adv in high tech and service sector activities
Impact on structural econ change and equity- cons
Decline of laour intensive manufacturing sector- due to ower cost labour abroad-led to icreasing structural unemployment
Decreased wages of lower skilled workers- less unionised as servcie sector fragmented so cant bargain higher wages
Increased demand of skilled labour leading to greater inequality- financial services, law (mergers)
Overall- net increase jobs but increasing inequality and structural unemployment
Impact on inflation- globalisation benefits
Developed nations have benefitted from low cost manufactured imptrs
Clothing consumer manufactured goods, food- decrease pressure on cost push inflation- positive income effect
High growth, low inflation years since 1990s- signs of global8siation
Impact of globalisation on inflation - con
Occassional peaks cost push inflation due to increasing demand for oil and comities- as seen with ukraine, oil gas and food increased- interdependent market s marke more likely
Overall impact lower prices adv but more vulnerable
Globalisation conc
Overall largely beneficial- growth econ, lower inflation, icnrease jobs
Buut are more vulnerable to supply side shcooks- ukraine and credit crunch- check sneeded
And bop andequity worsen- due to structural econ change, move manufacturing overseas
Absolute adv
Comp adv
Uncontested superiority of a country or business to produce a particular good better
Exists were a country using a given resource input is able to produce mroe than other countries with the same input
Country with absolute adv is more technically efficient
Eg well educated workforce- uk legal financial seervcies
Adam smith on absolute adv
Used principle to promote the beneifts of international trade- arguing taht countries should specialise in the production of those gs technically more efficient, exports their supluses and imports thsoe gs in which other countries have an absolute advantage- world output increases
It is possibel for a country to have an absolute adv to be more technically efifcent in the production of most gs- eg between developed and less developed cuntries
Comparative adv
A country can produce a gs with a lower opp cost than other countries
Has to give up less to produce the gs
May still benefit the countries to specialise in the production of particular gs even i fdont have absolute adv and tehn trade internationally- exporst surplus of gs in which specialise and import dont
Countries should specialise in the production of gs in which they have comparatie adv
Countries may partially specilaise (produce multiple gs at diff levels- more realistic ie uk ewith food- mostly export but import some too
Whose tyheory was comparative advantage
Benefits of comparative advantage
Global resources can be used more efficiciently when countries speiclise in producing these gs in which they have a comparative advantage- efficiencies obtained by imports from countriess where opp cost lower
Global specialisation international trade should increase both allocative and productive effciiency
Competition to dynamic efficiency- greater innovation, hiigher quality and technology transfer
Consumers benefit lower prices, greater cchoice
Withot trade some fines may not be able to fuly exploit econ of scale- minimsie av costs
No trade- countries self sufficient and benefits lost
Benefits of free trade
International specialisation leads to increasing output of gs- promoting econ growth and increasing living standards- comp adv
Greater variety gs- more choice for consumers- exotic fruits
Ecinomic growth0 exports to foriegn markets increase soutput more jobs and higher income- exports net inkection, positive multiplier
Home firms exposed to more comp- lower prices, greater market orientation , technical efficiency, innoation
Technology transfer- spread pf omporved technologyu
Home firms may find cheapoer input savings aborad- improt raw materials, compoet parts
Income effect of cheaper imports for consuemrs- eg cheaper food, clothing electrical goods- spend mroe entertainment or lsiere domestically
As countries trade more and become mro einterdependent to avoid war
Disadv free trade
Job losses- esp labour inntensive manufactures indisteis in developed countru- against biden semi conductor, trump steel and solar panels
Greater international interpdependence- countries can become dependent ie food fuel- make bvulberable in war or cnoflict- russian gas
Interntional specialisation can also make vulnerable should demand or price for priduct fall- if specicalise one thing- kenya tea and coffe, agricultural when crop failure
Free trade not always level playing field esp with exploitation or dumping (prodcue a lot excess sell at cheap price- eu accused japan dumping cheaper printers on euprean markey, china steel throgh not enviornmental way
High exchange rate may also disadv higher effcicent production
Increased co2 emissons from transportation
Exploitation of labour in countries where not monitored as closely
Diff ruglate wto- self interest ect
Consumer surplus
Lower price than willing to pay so demand is higheer
Producer surplus
Higehr price than wiling to pay for
In an open econ impact on consumer and producer suprlus
Welfare tranfer from producer to consumer- b welfare gain for consumers without domestic
Gain consumer grester producer
Sturctural econ change, ie mroe to work as deliery drivers
Fall in price- prdocuer surplus for domestic lower
Consumers win and domestic producer lose
Net welfare gain c
Main areas globalisation seen
Natural boundries of gs
Greater movement labour between countries- eu free movement, or via visas- barriers to entry legal barriers through visas
Greater movement of capital (finance to purchase cautal) betwene country- rmeoval exchange controls mean more finance can be spread- ie uk pension firm can buy shares chinese company
Greater sharing of technology and intellect- ie patents, although s asian dyson
Causes globalisation
More trade gs
Trade liberalisation and greadual removal of barriers to trade
Increased number multinationals companies
Increased foriegn ownership of firms
Eilimination of exchange controls
Innovation in info and communication technology
Causes of globalisation- more trade gs - examples
Tourism- eastern bloc
Financial services- derviatives, shares in domestic stock market
Entertainment services- online
Education international uni
Telecomms lots natural monopoluy now internat