Inteoduction To Growth And Development And Developmental Milestones Flashcards
How is human development—the nature– nurture issue, or the question of how biological forces and envi- ronmental forces act and interact to make us what we are. (State what makes up nature and what makes up nurture)
Nature: Heredity Maturation Genes Innate or biologically based predispositions
Nurture: Environment Learning Experience Cultural influences
Developmental changes are the products of a complex inter- play between nature (genetic endowment, biological influ- ences, and maturation) and nurture (environmental influences, experiences, and learning). It is not nature or nurture; it is na- ture and nurture. To make matters more complex, it is nature affecting nurture and nurture affecting nature! For example, biology (nature) provides us with a brain that allows us to learn from our experiences (nurture), experiences that in turn change our brains by altering neural connections
Maturational changes in the brain contribute to cognitive changes such as in- creased memory and problem-solving skills and to psychosocial changes such as increased understanding of other people’s feel- ings.
What is growth
What’s re the domains of development
What is development
Development is systematic and there are continuities . What does this mean
Physical changes that occur from conception or maturity
Growth refers to physical changes in some quantities over time and includes changes in human weight, height and structure,body proportions and general physical appearance
Domains(specific aspects of human growth and change)
- Physical development. The growth of the body and its organs, the functioning of physiological systems including the brain, physical signs of aging, changes in motor abilities, and so on.
- Cognitive development. Changes and continuities in percep- tion, language, learning, memory, problem solving, and other mental processes.
- Psychosocial or socio emotional development. Changes and carryover in per- sonal and interpersonal aspects of development, such as motives, emotions, personality traits, interpersonal skills and relationships, and roles played in the family and in the larger society.
- Moral development
Development can be defined as systematic changes and continu- ities in the individual that occur between conception and death, or from “womb to tomb.
Progressive series of changes that an organism undergoes in passing from an embryonic stage till death
Means changes are orderly and patterned and relatively enduring not fleeting and unpredictable
Continuities means ways in which we remain the same or continue to reflect our past selves even as we develop
What are the differences between growth and development
Growth is a quantitative change
Development is qualitative
There is cellular multiplication in growth
Organization of all the parts which growth has produced in development
Growth:doesn’t continue throughout life
Development:continues throughout life span
Growth is observable and measurable
Development can’t be measured scientifically
Growth occurs under natural principles
Development occurs under experiences and observations of the individual
Growth: Various parts of body become larger due to growth
Development: An organization in functions of various parts of body is observed due to development
Growth: Increase in height, weight, structure
is regarded as growth
Development: Intelligence, social understanding, expertise in language and utilization of educational opportunities.
What are the characteristics of growth
What is qualitative and quantitative change
Disappearance of old features
Acquisition of new features
Quantitative:Changes that occur as people grow physically larger and stronger . Eg weight height size
Qualitative:changes in the way one thinks ,behaves and perceives the world as they mature
Eg. child changing from non verbal to verbal communication
What are the importance of studying growth and development
Explanation : example is gaining insight into human health and disease
Prediction:example is determining or to determine how changes in genes affects other aspects of development
Intervention in events and aspects of life . Example is application to technology in the field of Artificial intelligence
What is life span development
Interplay of what processes produces the periods in human lifespan
There is no objectively definable moment when a child becomes an adult true or false
Field of study that determines pattern of growth ,change and stability in behavior that occur throughout the entire life span
Biological,cognitive,psychosocial processes
What are the eight period sequence in lifespan development and explain them(the ages and what occurs at those stages)
Prenatal period: time from conception till birth
Takes place in approximately a nine month period
Developmental period from birth to 18-24 months
Time of extreme dependence on Adults
During this period many psychological activities language ,symbolic thought sensorimotor coordination,and social learning are just beginning
Early childhood:
End of infancy to age five or six
Sometimes called preschool years
Young children learn how to become more self sufficient and to care for themselves,develop school readiness skills and spend many hours playing w peers
First grade typically marks the end of early childhood
Middle childhood and late childhood:period from 6 to 11 years approximately corresponding to the elementary school years
During this period the fundamental skills of reading and writing and arithmetic are mastered
Child is formally exposed to the larger world and its culture . Achievement becomes a more central theme of the child’s world and self control increases
Transition from childhood to early adulthood. Begins 10-12 years ,end 18-21 years
Rapid physical changes -dramatic changes in height and weight ,changes in body contour and development of sexual characteristics such as enlargement of the breasts ,growth of pubic hair, and deepening of the voice
Pursuit of independence and an identity are prominent
Thought Is more logical,abstract and idealistic. More time spent outside the family
Early adulthood:begins early 20s through to 30s
Personal and economic independence
Career development,selecting a mate,learning to live w someone in an intimate way,starting a fam and rearing kids
Middle adulthood:
From approximately 40yrs to about 60 hrs
Time expanding personal and social involvement and responsibility; assisting the next generation
Reaching and maintaining satisfaction in a career
Late adulthood:
From 60s or 70s and lasts until death
Life review and retirement and adjustment to new social roles involving decreasing strength and health
Longest span period of any development. Some distinguish the young -old (65-74),and the old-old,or old age (75 and older) ,others distinguish the oldest old (85years and older) from younger older adults (65 to 84)
What is atypical development
When development doesn’t follow the normal course . Characteristics that do not conform to the normal type of development
Example: a child is described as developing atypically when it reaches
Developmental milestones earlier than other children of his or her own age
Or developmental milestones later than other kids of his or her own age
How are the domains interrelated
Exam anxiety (psychosocial) can affect ones memory (cognitive)
An ear problem(physical ) in infancy can affect a child’s language development (cognitive)
The baby who develops the ability to crawl (physical) has new opportunities to develop her mind (cognitive) by exploring the kitchen cabinets and to hone her social skills (psychosocial) by trailing her parents from room to room
What factors affect human growth and development
Internal factors: Hereditary - Genes inherited from parent determines Physical characteristics Psychological characteristics Growth of the Brain
Biological- hormones
Socio- cultural:
Socioeconomic environment:
Environmental factors:
Physical environment
Home environment
What are the genetic and environmental influences (causes of individual differences)
Nurture:refers to environmental influences that shape behavior
Environment can be external physical and social conditions, stimuli, and events that can affect us, from crowded living quarters and polluted air, to social interactions with family members, peers, and teachers, to the neighborhood and broader cultural context in which we de- velop.
Nature: refers to traits ,abilities ,capacities that are inherited from parents
Encompasses any factor that is produced by the predetermined unfolding of genetic information (called
What is lifespan perspective
Defined as human development determined by multiple aspects and frameworks
It emphasizes that human development is a life long process of change from conception to death
Paul Baltes lifespan developmental processes has six principles
Name them
Development is life long:
Development is not completed at adulthood stage,it encompasses the entire life span from conception to death
Development is multidimensional:
Involves the dynamic interactions of factors like physical,emotional and psychosocial development
Example puberty consists of physiological and physical changes
Development is multidirectional:
Development is a particular domain that doesn’t. Occur in a strictly linear fashion but that development of certain traits can be characterized as having the capacity for both an increase and decrease in efficacy over the course of an individual’s life
Development is plastic:
Plasticity means capacity for change.malleable
The Brain is capable of adapting to new requirements and this contributes to changes as a lifelong process
Eg. A child who loses both her arms will learn to perform multiple functions with her feet and this adaptation will lead to changes in the development of muscles and the body system
Developmental science is multidisciplinary:
Multiple disciplines such as psychologists ,sociologists,anthropologists,neuroscientists share an interest in unlocking the mysteries of development through the lifespan
Development is contextual:occurs within a certain contexts example family and peer group
Each of these settings is influenced by historical,economic,social and cultural factors
What are the developmental milestones
A set of functional skills or age specific tasks that most kids can do at a certain age range
Behaviors or physical skills seen in infants and children as they grow and develop
They act as checkpoints in a child’s development to determine what the average child is able to do at a particular age
Knowing the milestones for different ages helps parents ,teachers and healthcare professionals understand normal child development and aids in identifying potential problems with delayed development
From birth to six weeks and three to six months,what are the gross ,fine and vision,hearing and speech,social behavior
Marked head lag at birth on pulling baby to sit . By six weeks moderate head lag on pull to sit prone brings chin monetarily off couch
Fine motor and vision:
Can see at birth
By six weeks can fix and follow across to 90
Hearing and speech:
Can hear at birth
Startles and quietens to a soothing voice
Social behavior:
Stops crying when picked up
By six weeks smiling to familiar faces and noises
By three months, on ventral suspension brings head above level of the back
Prone lifts head and upper chest off couch
By six months sits w support or tripod sits
Beginning to weight bear. Rises to stand when supported
Fine motor and vision:
By three months,holds hands loosely open and has hand regard
By six months,reaches for toys w palmar grasp
Transfers hand to hand and hand to mouth
Hearing and speech:
Can laugh,gurgle and coo
Starts to babble around six months . Will turn when called
Social behavior:
Holds onto feeding cup or bottle when fed
Frolics when played with
Examines and plays with hands and places feet in mouth
From six to nine months and nine to twelve months,what are the gross ,fine and vision,hearing and speech,social behavior
Gross: by six months can roll from front to back
Sits unsupported with a straight back
Begins to pivot around on arms and legs into the crawling position
Small objects picked up between index finger and thumb in a pincer grasp
Transfers from hand to hand
By 9 months ,shouts to gain attention
Vocalizes non specific syllables such as dada and mama
Social: Turns when talked to Resists when objects are taken away Tries to reach for objects out of reach Likes to feed with fingers
By nine to ten months most infants are crawling
Of 10 percent normal infants never crawl
But move around by paddling or bottom shuffling. These children are often late walkers and may not walk alone until two years
By 9-12 months begins to pull to standing and cruise
Fine motor: Will bang two cubes together Looks for fallen objects Hearing: By 9-12 months,usually have 1 or 2 recognizable words in addition to mamma and dada
Social behavior:
Enjoys imitative games such as clapping hands and waving goodbye
Shy with strangers until the end of the first year
From 12-18 months and two years ,what are the gross ,fine and vision,hearing and speech,social behavior
By 12 months Can walk w hands held and begins to stand alone
By 18 months,climbs onto chair and up stairs . Holds onto toys while walking
Pincer grip refined.Tiny objects can be picked up delicately
Points at objects w index finger
Can be persuaded to give objects to another on request
Builds a tower of two or three bricks
Vocabulary of several words
Comprehension is more advanced than speech at this age
Enjoys looking at pictures on a book and points and babbles while doing this
By 12 months indicates what he wants usually by pointing
Drinks from a cup and helps to feed themselves
Begins to help w dressing
Learns to throw
Enjoys simple games such as peek- a-boo
Gross: Can walk run squat and climb stairs two feet per step Fine: Builds tower of six or seven cubes Spontaneous scribbling Hand preference Holds pencil with thumbs and first two fingers Imitates vertical lines
Hearing: Uses recognizable words and understands many More Forms simple sentences Carry out simple instructions
Social: Feeds w a spoon ,drinks from a cup Usually dry through the day Demands mothers attention Tantrums when frustrated Instant gratification