Intelligence and Health Psychology Flashcards
Who said that intelligence is “ability to think abstractly”? (1921)
Lewis Terman
Who said that intelligence is ““ability to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with the environment” in 1944?
David Weschler
Who said that intelligence is “ability to adapt one’s surroundings” in 1952?
Jean Piaget
It is a thinking that has ability to create connections between unrelated concepts and it’s beyond memorization.
Abstract Thinking
Who theorized about the intelligence about the two factors like G and S factor?
This theory said that intelligence has two factors, the G or General Factor and S or Specific intelligence
Spearman’s Two-Factor Theory
This factor of intelligence is general, like cognitive abilities, spatial skills and also mathematical problems.
G Factor
This factor of intelligence is specific, like singing, dancing, skills.
S factor
This person theorized that there are primary mental abilities in one’s intelligence.
Word Fluency
Verbal comprehension
Perceptual speed
Thurstone’s Primary Mental Abilities
This primary mental ability to think words rapidly
Word Fluency
This primary mental ability to understand or define words, even grammarization
Verbal Comprehension
This primary mental ability to decide rationally, thinks about the pros and cons.
This primary mental ability to remember previously learned idea.
This primary mental ability to determine differences and similarities
Perceptual Speed
This primary mental ability to recognize figures, shapes, puzzles
This primary mental ability to do mathematical solvings and has skills about it.
He conceptualized the intelligence that there are two; the fluid and crystallized intelligence.
This intelligence based on Cattel-Horn, it reasons abstractly or logically in front of novel situation; a new scenario that can be adapted.
Fluid Intelligence
This Intelligence based on Cattell-Horn, it accumulates facts, knowledge or information overtime. This can be learned in the school.
Crystallized Intelligence
This person theorized that there multiple intelligence and said “the capacity to solve the problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting”.
Howard Gardner
One of the Educational values in intelligence, that specializes to write, deliver speech and thoughts.
Linguistic Intelligence
One of the Educational values in intelligence that specializes mathematical problems and other methods
One of the Arts in intelligence, more in creating melodies, has singing skills and rhythm.
Musical Intelligence
One of the Arts in intelligence, has coordination to its movement and bodily active
One of the Personal Intelligence, that uses patterns and puzzles about the figures.
Spatial Intelligence
One of the Personal Intelligence in ability to understand other people’s emotion
Interpersonal Intelligence
One of the Personal Intelligence in ability to understand its own emotions.
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Componential intelligence
Experiential intelligence
Contextual intelligence
one of triarchic theory of intelligence, a person’s analytic skills.
Componential Intelligence
One of triarchic theory of intelligence, the ability to invent solutions to new problems.
Experiential Intelligence
One of triarchic theory of intelligence, the ability to adapt and apply what has been learned, such as skills and knowledge, in different scenarios/situations
Contextual Intelligence
They’re the first people who made an IQ test
Alfred Binet & Theodore Simon
It is the first IQ test being implemented to measure intelligence.
Binet-Simon Test
Who did the commonly used IQ test in recent times, and named as Stanford-Binet Test.
Lewis Terman
What is IQ?
Mental Progress