Intelligence Flashcards
ability to understand complex ideas, adapt effectively to the environment, learn from experience, engage in various forms of reasoning, and overcome obstacles through mental effort
element of TIME
general intelligence
cognitive processes
influences our ability on all tasks
intelligence as a single trait
Spearman’s test
created factor analysis to measure “g”/general intelligence
evidence supports this
positively correlated with: grades, achievement tests, processing speeds, brain volume, general knowledge etc.
Cattell’s 2 types of intelligence
1) crystallized
2) fluid
Crystallized intelligence
factual knowledge about the world
e.g. arithmetic, state capitals
increases throughout life
related to verbal ability
dependent on fluid intelligence
Fluid intelligence
ability to think on the spot, understanding relations between concepts that haven’t been encountered before
peaks ~20-25
related to prefrontal cortex development
Link between crystallized and fluid intelligence and SES
middle and upper middle class - crystallized and fluid strongly correlated
low SES - fluid intelligence higher than crystallized in some kids
Thurstone’s Primary Mental Capabilities (7)
SKIP not in lecture
Carroll’s 3-stratum theory of intelligence
influences one below
1) Top - “g”/general intelligence
2) Middle - types of intelligence - e.g. fluid, crystallized, processing speed
3) Bottoms - tasks used to assess - e.g. reaction time for
Binet–Simon Intelligence Test
interpret proverbs, solve puzzles, define words, and sequence cartoon panels so that the jokes made sense
highly correlated with school grade at the time
asked by French government to come up with test to separate kids into publicly funded classes
1st applied psychologists**
Standardization of administration (delivery of test) and norms
Published Stanford-Binet IQ test for ages 2-23
IQ=mental age/chronological age X 100
(applies to kid’s IQ only)
What does a measurement of intelligence have to be based on?
Observable behaviour
IQ (Intelligence Quotient)
quantitative measure of a child’s intelligence relative to that of other children of the same age
Average of an IQ test
SD of an IQ test
How stable is IQ?
One the MOST stable traits!
more stable after age 5 when children are able to sit through tests
correlation of IQ between age 5 and 15: 0.67
How to test IQ in infants
time to habituate is better predictor of intelligence in infants
get bored faster = smarter
FLUID intelligence
no racial differences
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
most popular intelligence test for children now
age 6+
consistent with Caroll’s 3-stratum framework
overall score and score for individual abilities
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - General Abilities (5)
1) verbal comprehension
2) visual-spatial processing
3) working memory
4) fluid reasoning
5) processing speed
What does IQ predict?
strong predictor of: academic, economic, and career success