intelligence Flashcards
personal attributes that center around skill at information processing, problem solving, and adapting to new or changing environments
mental age
a score corresponding to the age level of the most advanced items a chils could answer correctly on Alfred Binet’s first intelligence test
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
a test for determining a person’s IQ
An index of intelligence that reflects the degree to which a person’s score on an intelligence test deviates from the average score of others in the same age group
a systematic procedure for observing behavior in a standard situation and describing it with the help of a numerical scale or a category system
descriptions of the frequency at which particular scores occur, allowing scores to be compared statistically
statistical reliability
the degree to which a test can be repeated with the same results
statistical validity
the degree to which test scores are interpreted correctly and uses appropiately
the scientific study and measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes, personality ad other psychological characteristics
psychometric approach
a way of studying intelligence that emphasizes analysis of the products of intelligence, especially scores on intelligene tests
a general intelligence factor that Charles Spearman postulated as accounting for positive correlations between people’s scores on all sort of cognitive ability tests
a group of special abilities that Charles Spearman saw as accompanying general intelligence
fluid intelligence
the basic power of reasoning and problem solving
crystallized intelligence
the specific knowledge gained as a result of applying fluid intelligence
information-processing model
an approach to the study of intelligence that focuses on mental operations, such as attention and memory, that underlie intelligent behavior
intellectual development disorder
defined in DSM-5 as an IQ at or below 70, starting in childhood and affecting a person’s ability to function as compared to other people of the same age
psychosocial intellectual disability
cases of mild cognitive disability for which there is no obvious genetic or environmental cause