Integumentary Flashcards
Epidermal layers
Corneum, lucidum, granulosum, spinodum, basale. Can loud girls sing base.
Cells of epidermis
Keratinocytes (epitheliual cells), epidermal dendritic celss, tactile cells (sensory cells), melanocytes.
Benign tumor of blood vessels…port wine stain and strawberry hemangioma.
Depigmentation from melanocytes dying.
No pigment in skin, eyes, and hair. melanocytes don’t make melanin.
Two layers of dermis
Papillary layer (areolar CT), reticular layer (dense irregular CT).
Hypodermis structure
Areolar and adipose connective tissue
Hypodermis function
anchors skin to underlying structure, thermal insulation, energy reserve.
Structures of nail
nail matrix, lunula, cuticle, free edge….made of hard keratin.
Lanugo hair
Fetal hair
fine hair on most of body
Terminal hair.
head, pubic, armpit, male facial hair.
Hair structure
Follicle, root and shaft. Contains keratin and arrector pili muscle
Hair thinning
Male pattern baldness
genetic influence, hormonal influence-testosterone causes terminal hair to be replaced with vellus hair