Instruments Flashcards
What are Va, Vb, Vso and Vd ?
Va : Manoeuvrable speed ( full deflections of controls still possible without exceeding the design limit load factor/ usually operated during turbulences ) Vb : Design speed for maximum gust intensity. Vso : Stall speed in landing configuration ( gears down , flaps down ) Vd : Design diving speed
When do we need to adjust temperature when operating an altimeter ?
Whenever the plane goes in an air mass which have a different temperature than standard air. The reading of the altimeter is then not indicating the true altitude.
What are the Indicated Altitude, Pressure Altitude, Density Altitude, True Altitude and Absolute Altitude ?
Indicated Altitude : The reading on the altimeter when it is set to the current barometric pressure. Pressure Altitude : The reading on the altimeter when it is set to standard barometric pressure. Density Altitude: Pressure altitude corrected for temperature. True Altitude : Exact height above mean sea level. Absolute Altitude : Exact height above the earth’s surface.
Name 4 errors that affect airspeed indicator.
Position error : Eddies that are formed as the air passes over the wing and struts are responsible for position error. Lag error : A mechanical error due to the friction in the instrument parts. Icing error : Ice formation , blocking the pitot or static pressure sources. Density error : The density of the air decreases as the altitude increase.
What are the IAS, CAS,EAS and TAS ?
Indicated Airspeed : read on the instrument. Calibrated Airspeed : IAS corrected for instrument and installation error. Equivalent Airspeed : CAS corrected for compressibility factor. ( relevant for high speed aircraft ) True Airspeed : the actual speed of the airplane through the air mass.
What is a radar altimeter ?
The radar altimeter indicates the actual height of the airplane above the earth, or above any object on the earth over which the airplane is passing.
What is a decision height ?
The decision height is the altitude for which the pilot is deciding whether he has sufficient visibility to land or not.
What is EFIS ?
The Electronic Flight Instrument System is a cockpit instrumentation system that uses electronic rather than electromechanical technology.
When can we use tablets or smartphones in the cockpit ?
The smartphones or Tablets can only be considered as a backup system. The plane must be sufficiently equipped so that it is possible to pilot and navigate without them even if they are handy.
What is the ISA standard atmosphere ?
29.92 ‘‘Hg
No humidity
What is the max allowable altimeter error ?
+-50 feet
What are the main errors of the altimeter ?
Mountain effect : A strong valley wind create venturi effect ( pressure decreases ).
Pressure errors ( temperature variation , pressure variation).
What happen to the altimeter if there is a blocked static port ?
Indicated altitude remain constant.
What happen to the altimeter if the pitot tube is blocked ?
What happen to the altimeter if the static port is partially blocked ?
It will underestimate in climb and overestimate in descent.
Explain briefly how works the altimeter.
The Altimeter consist in a box connected to the static source. In this box there is wafer ( calibrated to ISA ) which expands with the decrease of the pressure when the plane is gaining altitude. The wafer expansion make the needle to move through a mechanism.