Flight Operations Flashcards
In what consist the operations of Weight and Balance ?
Controll the weight loaded in the aircraft, Properly locate this weight inside the aircraft.
What are the different reference weights used for Weight and Balance ?
- Max Take-off weight : Weight at the beginning of the take-off
- Basic empty weight : Basic aircraft weight + Weight of the optional equipment + Weight of the unusable fuel + Weight of the oil (sometimes) .
- Useful Load : Pilot , Passengers, Baggage, Fuel.
- Pay Load : Useful load – ( Crew including their equipment and fuel )
- Max ramp Weight
- Max Landing weight : Max permissible weight at landing ( not to damage the landing gear )
- Zero Fuel Weight : Maximum weight without fuel
What are the normalised weights for passengers ?
Men ( Summer 200 lbs / Winter 206 lbs )
Women ( Summer 165 lbs / Winter 171 lbs )
Child ( Summer and Winter 75 lbs )
Infants ( Summer and Winter 30 lbs )
What is the standard weight of the fuel ?
6 lbs per gallon / 1.59 lbs per liter
What is the reference line ?
The point from which all the weights are measured.
What is the CG ?
Point of equilibrium of all weights
What is the moment formula ?
Moment = Weight × Arm
What is the Center of Gravity Moment Envelope ?
A graphical representation of the center of gravity and the maximum weight of an aircraft.
What happens if the plane flies at maximum weight ?
- Longer take off distance
- Lower cruising speed
- Longer landing distance
- Higher fuel consumption
What happens if the CG is too far rear ?
- Stall speed reduced
- Better autonomy
- Stability reduced
What happens if the CG is too far forward ?
- Stability increases
- Stall speed increases
- Harder to flare at landing
What is the Ground roll ?
Portion to takeoff spent on the ground ( the length of the ground roll is affected by the wind and the runway surface ( paved, grass ).
What is the take-off total distance ?
Distance to clear a 50 feet obstacle including the ground roll ( the distance from lift off to the 50 ft obstacle clearance is affected by the wind only ).
What are the factors affecting the performance in cruise ?
- The density of the air
- The temperature
- The aircraft weight
- The CG location
- The power setting
- The flight configuration
What implies flying at a speed used for endurance ?
It enables the Greatest time in the air for the quantity of fuel
What implies flying at a speed used for range ?
It enables the Greatest distance travelled for the quantity of fuel.
What is the Maximum Cruising speed ?
Best airspeed considering engine performance
What is the Manoeuvering speed ?
Speed at which full deflection of control surfaces is possible without causing damage to the aircraft.
What is the Best Glide speed ?
Highest distance covered per unit of altitude lost.
What are the relevant informations to be collected before landing ?
- Runway length and orientation ( in CFS )
- Landing procedures ( in CFS, VTA and CAP )
- Weather conditions ( Wind , Ceiling and Visibility )
What are the factors affecting the landing ?
- Runway length and surface ( Hard, Soft, Grass )
- Runway conditions ( Dry, Wet, Iced )
- Obstacles on approach
- Wind direction and velocity
- Wind shear / Gust
- Aircraft configuration
- Approach speed and use of power
What is the Approach speed ?
Vso × 1.3
What is the Wheel barrowing ?
Rolling to the nose wheel only, following an approach speed too high or too much forward pressure in control column.
What is Bouncing ?
Flaring too high and hitting the surface flat. To recover it is important to regain control before problem amplifies and execute a missed approach.
What is the Ground effect ( from a flight perspective ) ?
It’s when the aircraft float for a long distance after flaring.
What are the consequences on the visibility when it rains ?
Rain causes a distortion due to refraction. There is a danger of doing an approach too low ( At ½ mile from the runway , we have the impression that the runway -obstacles-are 200 feet lower than their real elevation).
What is Hydroplaning ?
Loss of contact with the ground due to a thin layer of water under the tires.
What is the breakdown for the crosswind operations ?
Crab aircraft to stay in line with runway.
Use slip method to maintain aircraft aligned with runway while banking the aircraft against the wind thanks to the ailerons and the rudder.
Use rudder to maintain the aircraft on the runway and ailerons to counteract the wind effect.
Use the ailerons to counteract the wind effect while taxiing.
What are the frequencies for radar assitance ?
126.7 and 121.5 MHz
What is the minimum spacing between aircrafts to clear the wake turbulence effect ?
2 min
What is the distance of landing to add/remove for an upslope /downslope runway ?
Upslope : remove 5 %
Downslope : add 10 %
What are the two types of protection against icing ?
De-Icing : Type 1 , Type 2 heated, Type 4 heated
Anti-Icing: Type 2 unheated, Type 4 Unheated ( longer hold over time )
Type 3 for shorter ground roll aircrafts ( rotation speed < 100 Kts )
What is the CRFI ?
Canadian Runway Friction Index : The CRFI varies with runway surface conditions. The CRFI scale ranges from 0 ( no braking action possible, solid ice ) to 1 ( maximum braking possible ).
What are the 3 types of hydroplaning ?
• Viscous : In case of a thin film of water and relatively low tire speeds. The water lubricates the surface and decreases traction.
• Dynamic : In case of deeper water and results in complete loss of tire contact with the pavement.
( Minimum speed at which dynamic hydroplaning can occur :Non rotating tire = 7.7√P ,Rotating tire = 9√P with P pressure of the tire)
• Reverted-rubber hydroplaning