used for heating and sterilization purposes
[+2 examples]
Borosilicate glass
_________________ characterized by a high degree of thermal resistance and free from [3]
Borosilicate glass
heavy metals
magnesiumlime-zinc group of elements
strain point of 515C
low alkali content
high resistance alkali
dilute alkali
borosilicate glass
boron-free/soft glass
less thermal resistance
high degree of thermal resistance
high thermal
poor resistance to high temperature
boron-free/soft glass
borosilicate glass
flint glass
special alumina-silicate glass that has been strengthened chemically than thermally [+1 example]
utilized for high thermal, drastic heat shock and extreme chemical treatment with acids [except ________] and dilute alkali; it can be heated ________C
made up of soda-lime glass and a mixture of [3]
flint glass
sodium oxides
it is easy to melt and used to make disposable glasswares
flint glass
6x stronger than borosilicate
has continuous etched rings on top of pipet
absence of etched rings
liquid is allowed to drain by gravity
exact volume is obtained when the last drop is blown out
for nonviscous fluid transfer pipet
for viscous fluid transfer pipet
volumetric pipet
is volumetric pipet self-draining or blowout type
self draining
small amount left in the tip should not be blown out
volumetric pipet
with etched ring
transfer fluids without consideration of specific volume
pasteur pipet
transfer pipet aside from the volumetric, ostwald, pasteur
automatic macro/micropipette
4 types of graduated or measuring pipet
Ball, Kolmer, Kahn
with graduations to the tip
blowout pipet
serological pipet
without graduations to the tip
self-draining pipet
mohr pipet
The four Micropipetes (< 1ml) - TC pipets
- Sahli-Hellige pipet
- Lang-Levy Pipet
- RBC and WBC pipets
- Kirk and Overflow Pipet
calibrated between 2 marks
mohr pipet
Mechanical or Automatic Pipets
MC [A. Air Displacement Pipet, B. Positive Displacement Pipet C. Dispenser/Dilutor Pipet]
- It operates by moving the piston in the pipet tip or barrel, much like a hypodermic syringe.
- It relies on piston for suction creation to draw the sample into a disposable tip.
- It obtains liquid from a common reservoir and dispensed it repeatedly.
- B
- A
- C
Mechanical or Automatic Pipets
MC [A. Air Displacement Pipet, B. Positive Displacement Pipet C. Dispenser/Dilutor Pipet]
- It combines sampling and dispensing functions.
- The piston does not come in contact with the liquid.
- It does not require a different to for each use
- C
- A
- B
Volume Measurements
1 lambda =
1 microliter (0.001 mL.)
1 microliter
1.0 milligram
Are made primarily of polypropylene
Plastic pipet tips
as the fluid is allowed to drain into the receiving vessel, pipets should be held in _________ position w/ the tips [parallel/against] the side of the receptacle.
For volumetric TD pipette, it should not be _______ or _______ against the wall of the container during draining because any disruption of the free-flowing fluid may result in an inaccurate deliver of the liquid
these 2 conditions indicate that the pipette is not sufficiently clean
imperfect wetting
presence of discreet droplets of water
is the cleaning solution of glassware
acid dichromate
laboratory balances require _______ at regular intervals and they should coincide the requirements of lab testing and accrediting organizations
the new mass standards and test weight accuracy classes appropriate for laboratory balances
American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] classes 1/2
the operator must avoid direct contact with weights by using _______ or special lifting tools [example]. Hand contact with the weights can cause _________.
clean gloves
Total immersion thermometers [2]
Noncertified thermometers can be calibrated by using these two
NIST SRM1968 gallium melting point cell
Temperature monitoring devices should be verified for accuracy at __________ month intervals.
6 or 12
Liquids are pumped through a system of continuous tubing
Continuous Flow Analyzer
uses the force generated by centrifugation to transfer spx and rgts
Centrifugal Analyzer
samples flow through a common reaction vessel or pathway
Continuous Flow Analyzer
they serve as separating and cleaning media in continuous flow analyzer
air bubbles
in continuous flow analyzer and discrete analyzers, __________ maintain the required temperature of the rxn to allow complete color development
heating bath
Liquids are placed in separate cuvets for measurement at the perimeter of a _________ [#rpm]
centrifugal analzyer
spinning rotor
1OOO rpm
Mixing of spx/rgts:
by using glass coil inserted into the flow path
rotor and bubbling of air
continuous flow analyzer
centrifugal analyzer
Examples are Cobas-Bio [Roche] and IL Monarch
Centrifugal Analyzer
cons: all tests are performed in parallel where measurement of every analyte configured on the system for every sample
continuous flow analyzer
major pros:
Batch analysis [discrete-batch]
centrifugal analyzer
most popular and versatile analyzer
measures only the test requested on a sample
Discrete analyzer
Discrete analyzer requires [# uL] of the sample
employs a variety of syringe pipettes [positive liquid-displacement pipets] to aspirate and dispense samples/rgts
discrete analyzer
capable of running multiple-tests-one-sample-at-a-time
discrete analyzer
each sample-rgt mixture handled separately in its own reaction vessel
discrete analyzer
in discrete analyzer, for _______technology [_________ photometry], the spreading layer permits a rapid uniform spreading layer over the rgt layer
dry slide technology
reflectance photometry
discrete analyzer mixing methods [5]
magnetic stirrings bars
magnetic driven teflon stirring bars
ultrasonic energy
rotating paddle
forceful energy
major pros is its random access capability– allowing STAT samples to be easily tested
Discrete analyzers
measurement of light reflected from solid surfaces
reflectance photometry
the intensity of the reflected light from the rgt carrier is compared with the intensity of light reflected from a reference surface
reflectance photometry
a ___________ is used to measure analytes by measuring the quantity of light reflected by a liquid sample that has been dispensed onto a grainy or fibrous solid support
reflectance photometry
common methods used for measuring methods
visible and UV light spectrophotometry
Abbott TDX uses this for drug analysis
fluorescent polarization
Tablet form reagents
ACA Star [Dade]
Multilayered dry slide [thin film] reagents
Vitros analyzer
is the transport of quantity of analyte or reagent from one specimen reaction into another, and contaminating a subsequent one
Carry over
all samples are loaded at the same time, and a single test is conducted on each sample
Batch testing
more than one test is analyzed concurrently on a given clinical spx
parallel testing
any test can be performed on any sample in any sequence
random access testing
multiple tests analyzed one after another on a given spx
Sequential testing
a system other than manufacturer’s rgts can be utilized for measurements
open reagent system
a system where the operator can only used the manufacturer’s rgts
closed-reagent system
it provides point-to-point delivery of spx to the lab and offered several advantages over spx transport by humans
pneumatic tube delivery system