Instance Configuration Flashcards
set of installed applications on an instance before any config or customization
baseline implementation
configuration vs customization
done without code vs adding functionality that does not exist on the platform
path to personalize banner image and instance logo
All>System Properties>My Company
availability of apps vs plugins
servicenow store vs All Available Apps>All>Plugins or v_plugin.list
origin of apps vs plugins
service now or partners vs exclusively service now
scope of apps vs plugins
usually custom vs custom or global
best practice for activating apps and app features via plugins or the service now store
look for plugins first, then go to service now store
protects apps by identifying and restricting access to app files and data
application scope
path to plugins
All>System Definition>Plugins
how to activate an unpublished plugin
make a service catalog request to tech support
All>System Apps>All Available Apps>All is the same as
All>System Definitions>Plugins
What can you change in All>System Properties>System?
banner image, browser tab title, date format, system timezone
list of all system properties
how to explore an app before purchasing
pdi or non-prod instance