CMDB Flashcards
4 roles with CMDB access
asset, itil, itil_admin, cmdb_read
4 examples of CIs
computers, devices on network, apps, services
3 key cmdb tables
cmdb, cmdb_ci, cmdb_rel_ci
how does an accurate, up to date cmdb help with incidents caused by failed changes
locate failed changes and associated incidents, facilitate impact analysis of proposed changes, assess problem trends pertaining to CIs, efficiently manage incidents affecting CIs
path to cmdb workspace
All>CMDB Workspace>CMDB Workspace
2 plugins that must be activated for CMDB workspace
CMDB CSDM Support and CSDM activation
provide an interactive graphical interface to visualize relationships between CIs
dependency view
by default, dependency view displays both ___ and ___ relationships, and ___ are collapsed
upstream, downstream, clusters
true or false: you can create, define, and delete CI relationships from the dependency map
dependency view alert icon
active incident
dependency view wrench icon
active problems
dependency view lego icon
affected CIs for a task
path to CI class manager
All>Configuration>CI Class Manager
what displays the entire CMDB class hierarchy in a tree view format, consolidating class definitions into a central location
CI class manager
role required to read CI class manager basic info