inlärning Flashcards
Factors determining learning sucess
- total time spent learning
- repetition
- genetics
- Distributed practice(flera kortare sessioner)/spacing effect(sessionerna är utspridda o man gör andra grejer mellan?)/lag effect(increasing benefit as the lag between two study occasions)
- Motivation(intrisic: curiosity. Extrisic: reward)
- distractions(dåligt)
- generellt tillstånd ig(typ dåligt om man e trött eller mår skit osv)
Why spacing effect & lag effect work?
Deficient processing hypothesis: both arise bc ppl pay less attention to recently encountered things and don’t process then as well as something they saw a long time ago
Encoding variability: you will remember something better if you encode it in a variety of different ways, and have different thougts about it(bc you are creating a richer array of associations for accessing the memory
Study-phase retreval hypothesis: when u see something a second time, it reminds u of the first time u saw it. The very act of retrieving the prior occurence is what strenghtens your memory - more so the more difficult retrieval islag and space increase difficulty)