Episodiskt minne Flashcards
Vilken roll spelar intentionen att lära sig material?
Spelar ingen roll :// det viktiga verkar vara vad man gör med materialet.
Vilken typ av material fokuserade Ebbenhaus respektive Barlett på inlärningen av?
Meningslöst material (Ebbinghaus-traditionen)
Meningsfullt material (Bartlett-traditionen)
Dual-coding hypothesis
Från föreläsning: Vissa ord är lättare att komma ihåg än andra: dom man kan visualisera (för då har man två vägar in ist för en)
Från bok: Highly imageable words are easy to learn because they can be encoded both visually and verbally
(båda formuleringarna e korrekt svar o säger samma sak ehhehe tänkte ba man kan ha 2 svar ksk större chans att kma ihåg då? idk vet inget om minne)
Vilken organisering för att minnas ord är bäst: matriser med kolumner och rader, länka ihop ord genom en berättelse, hierarkisk struktur
Berättelse (här tenderar folk dock att kunna minnas fel, man minns andra ord i berättelsen som inte finns med i listan).
Also alla dom 3 e bättre än ingen organisering.
Levels of processing hypothesis
the way in which material is processed powerfully determines its durability in the LTM. The information is taken in an processed to various depths
Shallow visual processing < phonological processing < semantic processing
(från föreläs ning: Varje steg ger djupare minnesspår, effekten av processtid kompenserades och uteslöts som orsak.
Detta gäller både recall och recognition, både för förvarning om minnestest och inte.)
Transfer-appropriate processing (TAP)
Proposal that retention is best when the mode of encoding and mode of retrieval are the same.
Why is deeper encoding better?
- One explanation is that meaningful processing may produce more elaborate memory traces that link to many different concepts, yielding a memory that can be accessed in many ways
Alternative view for why deep processing is advantageous:
Meaningful processing is superior because it integrates new information to pre-existing knowledge structures structures(such as prior schemas, concepts and events)
2 different types of rehearsal(according to Craik and Lockhart, 1972)
- Maintenance rehearsal: process of rehearsal where items are “kept in mind” but not processed more deeply(ex telephone number)
- Elaborative rehearsal: Process where items are not simply kept in mind but are processed either more deeply or more elaborately
Vad är LTWM(long term working memory) och hur skiljer det sig från multicomponent working memory system?
- LTWM = Concept (by Ericson and Kintsch, 1995) that refers to the development of refined structures in long-term memory that are then actively used for temporary storage of new information during a task.
- Har för mig dom tog upp detta i samband med att “ The general pattern is that as the level of expertise in a domain increases, the capacity to spontaneously remember new information relevant to the domain increases, sometimes dramatically.” Så tänker att dom menar att läkare har typ en “sjukdomar”-struktur eller liknande i LTWM o att det är drf läkare e bättre på att komma ihåg nya sjukdomar dom nt hört om innan än vad en layman är? IDK IDC
- Difference to multicomponent WM system = LTWM describes a particular function, not a single unified cognitive system.
Episodic sequence learning + förslag på hur det kan gå till
The ability to represent the temporal sequence of occurrences within a larger event
- could be derived from schemas
- could be derived from spatial representation
- the sequence of events in an episodic memory may be inferred from information directly derived from space cells.
Distinctive features of memories of personal events(episodic memories antar ja dom snackar om? o ej autobiographical. eftersom kapitlet handlade om episodic)
- Involve diverse content: many sensory modalities, emotion, and thoughts during the event
- Concern events in a particular location at a particular time - Contain a representation of an event’s spatial-temporal context
Vad är place cells och time cells?
Place cells: Neurons in the hippocampus that respond whenever an animal or person is in a particular location in a particular environment, the collective activity of which is believed to be a critical ingredient in representing particular spatial environments, either perceived or remembered.
Time cells: Neurons in the hippocampus that code for particular moments in time in a
temporal sequence, independent of any particular external stimuli, the activity of which may contribute to representing time in episodic memories
- time cells represent the flow of time in a manner that is not directly tied to spatial information, schemas or external stimuli
JOint representation of space and time may begin to explain why hippocampus is so important for episodic memory
Incidental learning vs Intentional learning(tror detta handlade specifikt om experimentsituationer??)
Incidental learning: Learning situation in which the learner is unaware that a test will occur.
Intentional learning: Learning when the learner knows that there will be a test of retention.
The process of linking new information to pre-existing knowledge structures,
such as prior schemas, concepts, and events
Subjective organization
A strategy whereby a learner attempts to organize unstructured
material so as to enhance learning