Injection and Tumours Flashcards
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
inflammation of urinary tract usually caused by bacteria
classified according to location: cystitis - bladder
pyelonephritis - upper urinary tract
urethritis - urethra
Predisposing factors of UTI
age, pregnancy, calculi, medical procedures, diabetes, chemo, tumours, antibiotics
Inflammation of the bladder
features: urgency, frequency, dysuria, lower abdo pain, pyuria, baceriuria, cloudy urine
Management of cystitis
manage any underlying risk factors
BUN, creatinine, electrolyte values obtained to rule out change in renal function
interventions: antibiotics, adequate fluid intake, urinary alkaliniser
Acute pyelonephritis
bacterial infection of the upper resp tract
pathology of pyelonephritis
enlargement, scattered areas of abscess, increased neutrophils in the tubules
clinical manifestations of pyelonephritis
generally produces fever, chillds, flank proteinuria, pyuria, white cell casts, haematuria, generalised malaise
management of pyelonephritis
pain reflief, consider fluids
Chronic pyelonephritis
any chronic renal inflammation
always produces some renal scarring around the calyces and renal pelvis and among tubules
Causes of chronic pyelonephritis
renal stones
recurrent acute pyelnonephritis
drug toxicity
ischaemia, immune complex disease
Patho of chronic pyelonephritis
chronic obstruction of urinary traact prevents elimination of bacteria
Types of tumours
benign cortical adenoma of kidney
carcinoma of kidney
wilms tumour
renal adenoma
solid, encapsulated, can become malignant
renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
malignancy of renal tubular or ductal cells
can be clear cell or papillary type
Risk factors of RCC
male, age 50-60, cigarettes, analgesic use, sporadic, genetic