initial assessment of a newborn Flashcards
Normal Weight Range
2.5-4.7kg (5.5-10lbs)
normal weight range average (50th percentile)
3.4kg -female
first few days newborns lose about _____ of birth weight
Breastfed newborns recapture birth wt
10 days
Formula fed newborns recapture birth wt
7 days
Doubles at ___ , Triples at ____
and Quadruples at _____ of age
(based on weight at birth).
5 months
12 months
2 to 2.5 years
Normal Length Range
46-54 cm
Normal Length Range Average (50th Percentile)
49 cm (19.2 in.) for females
50 cm (19.6 in.) for males
80/46 mmHg at birth
rises to 100/50 mm Hg by the 10th
BP Not routinely measured unless a _____
anomaly is suspected
For an accurate reading of BP, the cuff width used
must be ______ the length
of the upper arm or thigh
no more than two thirds
36.5 °C– 37 °C
Temperature will fall almost immediately to
below normal due to_____ and the
neonate’s __________ .
heat loss
immature temperature-regulating
110-160 beats per minute
pulse is Slightly irregular due to immaturity of the _________
in the medulla.
cardiac regulatory center
Always palpate for femoral pulses why?
aortic coarctation
30 to 60 breaths per minute (at
respiration is Observed most easily by watching the
movement of a newborn’s ____
_________- reflexes are
present at birth to clear the airway
Coughing and sneezing
Used to evaluate the prognosis of a
newborn to determine if there is adjustment
on extrauterine life.
apgar scoring
0-3 apgar
Poor-severe difficulty in
transition; NEEDS
4-6 apgar
Fair- have some difficulty
adjusting; needs further
observation & stimulation
7-10 apgar score
Good- healthy, adapts well to
extrauterine life
Physical Maturity
6 categories
- Skin 4. Breast buds
- Lanugo 5. Ears
- Plantar creases 6.Genitals
(measurement of wrist
angle with flexion toward forearm until
resistance is met)
Square window
extension and release of arm
after arm is completely flexed and held in
position for approximately 5 seconds)
Arm recoil
measurement of knee angle
on flexion of thigh with extension of lower
leg until resistance is met.
Popliteal angle
(arm pulled gently in front of and
across top portion of body until resistance is
Scarf sign
(movement of foot to near the
head as possible)
Heel to ear
an excellent way to meet
the needs of the newborn and provide
family-centered care
Kangaroo care-
Inspect the cord to be certain it is clamped
hemorrhage could
Wipe the cord with alcohol at ______ to hasten drying and possibly
reduce the development of infection.
each diaper
diapers are folded ____- of the
umbilical cord, so that, when the diaper
becomes wet, the cord does not become
wet as well.
below the level
Remind parents to ________- until it falls off after they return
continue to keep the
cord dry
Administer IM injection into ____-
large muscle
(anterolateral muscle of a newborn’s
after VIT K Assess for signs of
bleeding (black, tarry
stools, hematuria, decreased
hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, and
bleeding from any open wounds or base
of the cord)
All newborns receive a first vaccination
against hepatitis B within
12 hours after birth;
Infants whose mothers are positive for the
hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) also at birth
receive hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG)
Bath water should be approximately _______-, a temperature that
feels pleasantly warm to the elbow or wrist.
98° to 100° F (37° to 38° C)
Bathing should proceed from the cleanest to
the most soiled areas of the body—that is,
from the eyes and face to the trunk and
extremities and, last, to the diaper area.
A thin, watery, yellow fluid
composed of protein, sugar, fat,
water, minerals, vitamins, and
maternal antibodies
colostrum is secreted startubg ub
fourth month of pregnancy
production of colostrum continues for the first
3-4 days after birth
replaced by _________
on the second to fourth day.
transitional breast milk
True or
______ is produced by
the 10th day
mature breast milk