Inguinal Region Flashcards
parietal peritoneum
doesnt push through
becomes tunica vaginalis
transversalis fascia
becomes inner spermatic fascia
internal oblique
becomes cremasteric muslce and fascia
external oblique
becomes external spermatic fascia
Scarpa’s fascia
becomes Darto’s muscle and fascia
becomes skin of scrotum
terticular artery
comes off aorta, just below renal arteries, oxygenates the testicles
cremasteric artery
comes from the inferior epigastric a., oxygenates the cremaster muscle
Ductus deferens artery
comes from the inferior vesicular artery, oxygenates the ductus deferens
Pampiniform plexus
A network formed by ≈12 veins that converge superiorly as left or right testicular veins.
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
N- cremaster muscle
accompany the testicular artery and the ductus deferens
Parasympathetics from pelvic splanchnics
S2-S4 on the ductus deferens