Information Systems Flashcards
A network protocol that enables users to log on to networks remotely over the Internet
cascading Style Sheet(CSS)
A markup language for defining the visual design of a web page or group of pages
Cloud computing
A computing environment in which software and storage are provided as an Internet service and are accessed with a web browser
(FTP) File Transfer Protocol
A protocol that provides that provides a file transfer process between a host and a remote computer and allows users to copy files from one computer to another
A network based on web technologies that links selected resources of a company’s intranet with its customers, suppliers, or other business partners
One of the internees high speed, long distance communications links
An object-oriented programming language from Sun Microsystems based on C++ that allows small programs to be embedded within an HTML document
A small program embedded in web pages
IP address
A 64-bit or 128-bit number that identifies a computer on the Internet
Web Portal
A Web Page that combines useful info and links and acts as an entry point to the web - they typically include a search engine, a subject directory, daily headlines, and other items of interest. Many ppl choose a web portal as their browsers home page
IP - Internet Protocol
A communication standard that enables traffic to be routed from one network to another as needed
Content Streaming
A method for transferring media files over the Internet so that the data stream of voice and pictures plays more or less continuously as the file is being downloaded
RIA - Rich Internet Application
Software that has the functionality and complexity of traditional application software but does not require local installation and runs in a web browser
An internal corporate network built using Internet and World Wide Web standards and products; used by employees to gain access to corporate info
VPN - Virtual Private Network
A secure connection between two points on the Internet
Web Services
Standards and tools that streamline and simplify communication among Websites for business and personal purposes
HTML tags
Codes that let the Web browser know how to format text - as a heading, as a list or as a body text – and wether images, sound, and other elements should be inserted
A project started by the US department do defense in 1969 as both an experiment in a reliable networking and a means to link DoD and military research contractors, including many universities doing military-funded research
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
The markup language designed to transport and store data on the web
The process by which VPNs transfer information by encapsulating traffic in IP packets over the Internet
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
The widely used transport- layer protocol that most Internet applications use with IP
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
The standard page description language for web pages
Web Application Framework
Web development software that provides the foundational code - or framework - for a professional, interactive website, allowing developers to customize the code to specific needs
Web 2.0
The web as a computing platform that supports software applications and the sharing of info among users
Smart card
A credit card sized device with an embedded microchip to provide electronic memory and processing capability
SSL - Secure Sockets Layer
A communications protocol used to secure sensitive data during e-commerce
A single website that offers many products and services at one Internet location
Click fraud
A problem arising in a pay-per-click online advertising environment where additional clicks are generated beyond those that come from actual, legitimate users
The use of info and communications technology to simplify the sharing of info, speed formerly paper-based processes, and improve the relationship between citizens and government
The process of tailoring web pages to specifically target individual consumers
A credit card used to streamline the traditional purchase order and invoice payment processes
Electronic commerce
Conducting business activities electronically over computer networks such as the Internet, extranets, and corporate networks (e.g. Distribution, buying, selling, marketing, and servicing of products or services)
DRM - Digital Rights Management
Refers to the use of any of several technologies to enforce policies for controlling access to digital media such as movies, music, and software
Storefront broker
Companies that act as intermediaries between your website and online merchants who have the products and retail expertise
Clickstreams data
Data gathered based on the websites you visit and what items you click on
Digital Certificate
An attachment to an email message or data embedded in a website that verifies the identity of a sender or website
Meta tag
An HTML code, not visible on the displayed web page, that contains keywords representing your sites content, which search engines use to build indexes pointing to your website
CA - Certificate authority
A trusted third organization or company that issues digital certificates
Management Info Systems (MIS)
An organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices used to provide routine information to managers and decision makers
On Demand Computing/On-Demand Business/Utility Computing
Contracting for computer resources to rapidly respond to an organizations varying workflow
Five forces Model
1) Rivalry of existing competitors
2) Threat of new entrants
3) Threat of substitute products and services
4) Bargaining Powers of buyers
5) Bargaining Powers of suppliers
Organizational Change
The responses that are necessary for profit and non-profit Organizations to plan for, implement, and handle change
Change Model
A representation of change theories that identifies the phases of change and the best way to implement them
Organizational Learning
The adaptions to new conditions or altercations of Organizational practices over time
Organizational Culture
The major understandings and assumptions for a business, a corporation, or an organization
Decision Support System (DSS)
An organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices used to support problem-specific decision-making
Flat organizational Structure
An organizational structure with a reduced number of management layers
Computer based info system (CBIS)
A single set of hardware, software, databases, telecommunications, people, and procedures that are configured to collect, manipulate, store, and process data into information
Expert Systems
A system that gives a computer the ability to make suggestions and act like an expert in a particular field
A network based on Web technologies that allow selected outsiders, such as business partners and customers, to access authorized resources of a companies intranet (Eg. Being able to access documents on school servers from home using the Internet)
Any business transaction executed electronically between B2B, B2C, C2C business ans public sector, and consumers and the public sector
Organizational Structure
Organizational subunits and the way they relate to the overall Organization
“______________” describes the program function to help the user operate the computer system?
“__________” software is distributed, typically for free, with the source code also available so that it can be studied, changed, and improved by its users
“______________” help people, groups, and organizations store useful information, such as a list of tasks to complete or a set of names and addresses?
Personal Information Management (PIM) Software
When 2 or more people work together to achieve a common goal, they form a(n)?
“______________” software filters incoming and outgoing packets, making sure that hackers or their tools are not attacking the system?
A “__________” permits you to install the software on one computer, or sometimes two computers, used by one person
Single-User License
“______________” help to perform maintenance or correct problems with a computer system?
Utility Program
The “______________” is the heart of the OS and controls the most critical processes?
True or False, using an ASP makes most sense for relatively small, fast-growing companies with limited IS resources?
A software “__________” is a defect in a computer program that keeps it from performing in the manner intended
“______________” software is designed to support teamwork, whether people are in the same location or dispersed around the world
Work-Group Application
The term “______________” is used to describe software that allows different systems to communicate and exchange data?
A “______________” is a collection of single programs packaged in a bundle
Software Suite
“______________” are sequences of instructions for the computer?
Computer Programs
A “______________” uses modular application services to allow users to interact with systems and systems to interact with each other?
Service-Oriented Architecture
True or False, A “copylefted” work can be owned by any one person, and everyone is allowed to profit from its distribution?
Security Dashboard
Software that provides a comprehensive display on a single computer screen of all the vital data related to an organizations security defences, including threats, exposures, policy compliance, and incident alerts
Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)
A screening technology that shields users from Web sites that don’t provide the level of privacy protection they desire
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Software that monitors system and network resources and notifies network security personnel when it senses a possible intrusion
Script Bunny
A cracker with little technical savvy who downloads programs called scripts, which automate the job of breaking into computers
Someone who intimidates or coerced a government or organization to advance his political or social objectives by launching computer-based attacks against computers, networks, and the info stored on them
Keystroke Loggers
Software or hardware programmed to send a list of keystrokes typed by a user to a malicious person