*Info Systems - Chapter 11 Key Terms Flashcards
Artificial Intelegience (AI)
The ability of computers to mimic or duplicate the functions of the human brain
Artificial Intelegience Systems
the people, procedure, hardware, software, data, and knowledge needed to develope computer systems and machines that demonstrate characteristics of intelligence
Domain Expert
The individual or group who has the expertise or knowledge one is trying to capture in the expert system
Expert System
hardware and software that stores knowledge and makes inferences, similar to a human expert
Explanation facility
Component of an expert system that allows a user or decisions maker to understand how the expert system arrived at certain conclusions or results
Game Theory
the use of information systems to develop competitive strategies for people, organizations, or even countries
Genetic Algorithm
An approach to solving large, complex problems in which a number of related operations or models change and evolve until the best one emerges
IF-THEN Statments
Rules that suggest certain conclusions
Inference Engine
part of the expert system that seeks information and relationships from the knowledge base and provides answers, predictions, and suggestions the way a human expert would
a specialized system that combines traditional disciplines, such as science and medicine, with computer systems and technology
Intelligent Agent
Programs and a knowledge base used to perform a specific task for a person, a process, or another program; also called intelligent robot or bot
Intelligent Behaviour
The ability to learn from experiences and apply knowledge acquired from experience, handle complex situations, solve problems when important informatio is missing, determine what is important, react quickly and correctly to a new situation, understand visual images, process and manipulate symbols, be creative and imaginative, and use heuristics
Knowledge Acquisition facility
Part of the expert system that provides convenient and efficient means of capturing and storing all the components of the knowledge base
Knowledge base
a component of an expert system that stores all relevant information, data, rules, cases, and relationships used by the expert system
Knowledge Engineer
a person wo has training or experience in the designing, development, implementation, and maintenance of an expert system