Information System Q’s Flashcards
A cellular iPad connected to an aircraft is
Class 1 hardware
OIS resides in the
Open world
A firewall / bridge gap is used to protect the
Avionics world from the outside world
A flight compartment electronic device used for navigation purposes that is not electronically connected to the aircraft in anyway is classified as
Class 1
A laptop connected to an aircraft is classified as a
Class 1 hardware
The onboard replaceable module is used to provide
Operational program software
A PFR is generated by the
Communications and cabin domain
An electronic flight bag which is portable and does not have any electrical connection to the aircraft whatsoever is classified as
Class 1
An electronic library mass storage system such as the electronic flight bag is a
General purpose computing platform intended to reduce or replace paper based reference material used by the flight crew
A electronic log book
Reduces a paper system onboard the aircraft which must then be copied to a computer system on the ground after each sector
ATIMS communicates via
A fibre optic sensor used in structural monitoring
Can be used only in lightly loaded structures and if the sensor is monitored for signs of failure
Control pilot data link communications messages are conveyed to the pilot via
A dedicated display unit and or printer
CPDLC enables the exchange of
Text messages between controllers and pilots
E logbook technical, maintenance and cabin data is stored
On a shared database to make sure that all onboard users have access to all information
How is an OIS used
Mobile device plugged into the aircraft
If a portable EFB device is connected aircraft power it is classified as
Class 2
If the ATIMs fails the aircraft will lose
Satellite link to main base
In EFB classification hand held electronic equipment comes under
Class 1
Internal wireless datalink
Is part of the airline information services domain and maybe made available for use by the passengers
Leaky line antennas are
Low power / low field
Maintenance crew can access the information provided on the onboard information system
Using PMAT terminals connected to any suitable Ethernet connection on the aircraft
Placement of a leaky line antenna is
Critical as they are normally directional
PMAT can be used to connect to the network server system
Whilst the aircraft is on the ground only
E logbook is used for defect reporting and maintenance action reporting by
Both the pilot and cabin crew for aircraft and cabin defects
The e logbook is accessible to flight crew
On the ground or onboard
The network server system is the backbone of the OIS it is connected to
The avionics field and the flight operations field
The OIS provides services and information to
The cockpit cabin and maintenance crew
The OMAT is located in the
Cockpit but is not used in flight
The passenger cabin information system gives access to
Cabin applications and documentation for the cabin crew
The units and components which are provided for the sole purprose of furnishing a means of storing updating and retrieving digital information on an aircraft information system include
The electronic library mass storage and controller human machine interfaces such as PMAT terminals and the onboard information terminals
What is ATIMs
Upgraded ACARS
What is the purpose of ATIMs
To make ATC more efficient and to create a link between aircraft and operator
Which electronic devices are not directly connected to the aircraft electrical supply
Class 1 hardware
Which of the following best describes the delivery of maintenance data via OIS
Data is held on mobile solid state devices and displayed as required
Wireless airport communication system provides
Aircraft to AOC communication capability