Information Age Flashcards
knowledge communicated or obtained concerning a specific fact or circumstance (Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary)
facts provided or learned about something or someone
- A period starting in the last quarter of the 20th century
- information became effortlessly accessible through publications and through the management of information by computers and computer networks
information age
These two age (period) is under information age
- digital age
- new media age
Is a true new age, based upon the interconnection of computers via telecommunications, with this information systems operating on both a real-time and as-needed basis. Furthermore, the primary factors driving this new age forward are convenience and user-friendliness which, in turn, will create user-dependence (James R. Messenger, Theory of Information Age, 1982)
Information Age
Human cost of information overload
information anxiety
It is produced by the ever-widening gap between what we understand and what we should understand. It is the black hole between data and knowledge, and what happens when information doesn’t tell us what we want or need to know
information anxiety
- Information must compete
- newer is equated with truer
- selection is a viewpoint
- the media sells what the culture buys
- the early word get the perm
- you are what you eat and so is your brain
- anything in great demand will be counterfeited
- ideas are seen as controversial
- undead information walks ever on
- media presence creates the story
- The medium selects the message
- The whole truth is the pursuit
Truths of the Information Age
Information must ___________
Newer is equated with ________
Selection is a ___________
The media sells what the _________ buys
The early word get the ___________
You are what you eat and so is your _________
Anything in great demand will be ___________
Ideas are seen as __________
_________ information walks ever on
__________ presence creates the story
The __________ selects the message
The whole truth is the ________