Infectious Disease (guest lecturer)TEST 3 Flashcards
study of distribution of determinants in population and application of these determinants to control health
In Sub Saharan Africa, what are the leading causes of death?
AIDS and Tuberculosis
Is HIV a disease or a pathogen?
The basic reproductive number: Average number of people an infected person can infect before they recover or die
org. that causes disease
replication of pathogens inside org
Change from normal phsyio to bad
If R0 is less than 1 what happens to the disease?
It dies out
If Ro is more than 1 what happens to disease
It persists
Equation for Ro?
infectious contact rateXduration of infection
Ro of sneezing on someone=
probability being sneezed on will lead to infectionXdays you are sneezing
What is the main thing to consider when looking at Ro?
The generation time of the infection!(time between getting infection and being able to infect someone else)
Reproductive number (consiers amount of people actually suseptible to the infection
If R0=4 how many people do we need vacinnated to stop the disease?
75% because of herd immunity (because we need 3/4 of infections to fail to get Ro=1)