Infectious Disease Flashcards
Meningitis is commonly caused by what organism?
Neisseria meningitis
Type of vaccine for N. meningitis
Polysaccharide conjugate
Who is at greater risk of right sided endocarditis?
Presentation of right vs left sided endocarditis
Right sided: pulmonary embolism. Left sided has more systemic symptoms of emboli going to hands/feet, nail bed hemorrhages, ossler’s node etc
Most common bacterial cause of acute endocarditis
Staph aureus
Which organism would cause endocarditis in abnormal valves?
Strep viridans
What is the next step that should be taken for septic arthritis?
Arthrocentesis of the fluid
What vision problem should be of concern in AIDS?
CMV retinitis: pizza pie appearance of red and white lesions. Red are retinal hemorrhages, white are granular opacities
Treatment and therapy for EBV infection
Supportive therapy. Excuse from sports (hepatosplenomegaly)
What microbial culture should be done towards the end of pregnancy?
GBS swab to check for S. agalacticea in the vagina
Parvovirus B19 causes what disease? What rash? Patients with sickle cell are at increased risk for ______ if they acquire it.
Erythema infectiosum (Fifth Disease). Slapped cheek rash that spreads over body (blotchy net-like appearance). Aplastic crisis.
What bacteria is concerning for a perforated peptic ulcer? Characterize the bacteria.
Helicobacter pylori. GNR, oxidase-positive, urease positive
Most common bacterial pathogens of conjunctivitis
H. influenza, S. pneumo, S. aureus, Moraxella spp.
Growth requirements for H. influenza. Can also be cultured with?
Factors V (NAD) and X (hematin) required from lysis of RBC. S. aureus since it is B hemolytic
Pneumocystis jirovecii is an infection in what populations? (2). What stain is used?
People with AIDS and premature infants. Silver stain.
Gohn complex is indicative of what stage of TB?
Primary infection
Common causes of bacterial meninigitis in babies (3) most to least? Prevention of a common one?
GBS, E. coli, Listeria; IV Pencillin for mother during labor
Toxic Shock Syndrome is commonly caused by what organism? And how?
Staph aureus. TSST-1 exotoxing which acts as superantigen.
HSV neonatal encephalitis can be acquired how? And which part of the brain is commonly affected?
Passage through infected birth canal. Temporal lobes.
Mumps: presentation, type of vaccine, spread
Bilateral parotitis (swelling of parotid glands), swelling of testes; live-attenuated; respiratory droplets
Cancers associated with EBV (3)
B cell lymphoma (Burkitt’s and Hodkin) and Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Lyme disease is caused by what organism (and type)? Transmitted by what vector? And this vector also transmits what other pathogen?
Borrelia burgdorferi (spirochete), Ixodes scapularis, Babesia microti
Rash seen in Lyme disease?
Erythema migrans
Non-acid fast, GPR that grow as branching filaments that can be confused as fungi
Actinomyces israelii
Malignant external otitis can be seen in what type of patients? And is caused by what organism?
Diabetes; Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Non-bloody diarrhea after hiking;
Giardia lamblia
Tertiary stage of Syphilis can result in neurosyphilis. Late sequela can present as:
Decreased personality, affect, tremor, pupillary abnormalities.
Severe substernal pain and cough with mediastinal widening. Blood agar with rough, gray colonies. What organism is this?
Bacillus anthracis.
In the bacterial growth curve, when does spore production occur and when do toxins build up?
Stationary phase
Gram-negative lactose fermenting rods causing pneumonia in alcoholic will show what on CXR?
Lobar cavitation
Mediastinal widening in CXR with pneumonia symptoms is caused by what organism?
Bacillus anthracis
Farm exposure and undulating fevers is charactersitic of which organim?
Congenital CMV symptoms
Pariventricular CNS calcifications, sensorineural deafness, cutaneous hemorrhages
Neurocystercircoses caused by Tinea solium occurs from
Eating eggs found in poop (own or other’s)
HSV virus categorization
Enveloped, dsDNA virus
Subacute endocarditis associated with colorectal cancer
S. bovis (Strep viridans)
Reiter syndrome composed of (triad) is an immune reaction following what organisms?
“Can’t see, can’t pee, can’t climb a tree”;
Bloody diarrhea organisms (Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Yersinia) and Chlamydia
Flaccid baby occurs after ingestion of what? Caused by what organism? MOA?
Spores of Clostridium botulinum. Toxin prevents the release of excitatory neurotransmitters.
Adherent pseudomembrane seen in the throat is characteristic of which organism? Toxin MOA
Corynebacterium diptheria’ Inhibit elongation factor (translation)
Rifampin MOA
Target RNA polymerase and interrupt transcription
Watery diarrhea associated with eating seafood; what media is it isolated on?
Vibrio; GN curved rod isolated on alkaline media
Most important virulence factor of S. pneumoniae
Polysaccharide capsule inhibiting phagocytosis
Most common for of transmission of Toxoplasma gondii; how does it appear on CT?
Ingestion of raw or under-cooked meat; Ring-enhancing lesions .
Fungal esophagitis is indicative of what kind of health?
The PPD test uses what to generate a response? Type of hypersensitivity?
Tuberculin (outer surface protein) and mycolic acid. Type IV
MOA of ETEC Toxin
Promote secretion of fluid and electrolytes. Stimulation of adenylate cyclase by ADP ribosylation of GTP protein.
What can be visualized on PBS of P. vivax and P. ovale?
Multiple brick red dots; “Schuffner dots”
The genes that are closest to oriT are (most/least) likely to be transferred;
Most; oriT is most likely and tra is least likely.
Culturing chlamydia
Chlamydia is difficult to culture
Virulence factor that help bacteria survive within the phagolysosomes of neutrophils
CMV staining
Owl’s eye inclusion
Hepatitis B window period refers to what? When does it occur?
It is when the HBsAg and HbsAb
What type of fungus is Pneumocystis jirovecii?
Extracellular atypical fungus
All RNA viruses except (2 families) replicate ______. All DNA viruses except (1 family) replicate in the ______.
All RNA in cytoplasm except orthomyxoviruses and retroviruses replicate in cytoplasm. All DNA viruses except Poxviruses replicate in the cytoplasm
Most important pathogenic feature of Pseudomonas in CF
Alcoholic with thick, red, bloody sputum presenting with lung problems. Describe bacteria
Klebsiella: GNR, lactose-fermenting, oxidase-negative
Most common cause of bronchitis in smokers and how do they stain?
H. influenzae (GNDP) Legionella (Does not stain well) Moraxella (GNCB)
Dimorphic fungi that has tiny oval forms within macrophages in humans
JC virus. What disease does it cause and what is its MOA
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Demyelinating disorder which infects oligodendroglial cells in the brain. Esoinophilic intranuclear inclusions. Associated with AIDS
Which hepatitis virus has a high mortality in pregnant women?
Hep E (Hepeviridae)
Which organism has a blue-green pigment and fruity odor?
Outbreak of bloody diarrhea in a pediatric population (organism)
Yersenia enterocolitica
What organism can grow on a preexisting cavitary lesion and cause a “matted ball” of material? What does it look like on microscopy?
Aspergillus; acute angle branching
Legionella can be grown on what type of agar?
Bacterial that are capable of “natural transformation”
H. influenzae, Strep. pneumo and Neisseria
What are Cowdry type A inclusions?
Eosinophilic intranuclear viral inclusions seens in Herpes family viruses
Aspiration pneumonia can be caused by what organisms?
Oral anaerobes (bacteriodes, fusobacterium)
Foul smelling sputum with concern for pneumonia suggests what organisms?
Anaerobic bacteria
What organism causing atypical pneumonia produces colonies on media containing sterols?
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
What infectious disease presents similarly to the joint pain seen in RA?
Parvovirus B19 - bilateral arthralgias of small joints
Large cylindrical intestinal worm
Ascaris lumbricoides
Most common cause of bronchiolitis or pneumonia in children under the age of one. And categorization.
RSV; negative SS RNA, non-segmented and enveloped
Strep. pneumo sputum
Rust-colored sputum
Sand-paper rash
Scarlet fever
Most common cause of meningitis in AIDS patients; what test is used for this?
Cryptococcus neoformans; Latex particle agglutination or India ink
Where does HSV-1 remain latent?
Trigeminal ganglion
Hemolytic activity of CoNS
Gamma (non) hemolytic
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is seen as a late complication of what disease? And what is the presentation?
Measles (Rubeola); occurs 7-10 years later. Behavioral changes to neurologic deficits
Diphyllobothrium latum (category) is associated with what exposure? Presentation in infection; treatment
Tapeworm (cestode); eating raw fish; Megaloblastic anemia due to Vit B12 deficiency (interferes with absorption); identify eggs in the stool.
Clostridium perfringens produces myonecrosis by production of what toxin?
Alpha toxin
Mycoplasma pneumonia produce what factors
Cold agglutinins
Chlamydia trachomatis in neonates; vaginal smear
Conjunctivits and pneumonitis (eosinophilic predominant); vacuoles with reticulate bodies in epithelial cells.
Cause of hydrocele
Incomplete fusion of process vaginalis