Infectious Disease Flashcards
Bacteria that can kill: MRSA
- Type of staph bacteria passed on through skin to skin contact
- Can also be spread through bed linens, bathroom fixtures and medical equipment
Bacteria that can kill: C.Difficile
- Bacteria found in human feces
- Can be passed on if a person touches an infected surface and then proceeds to tough their mouth
Bacteria that can kill: CRE
- Bacteria found in the bowels and the feces
- Typically affect patients using rentilators, urinary catheters and intravnous catheters
Bacteria that can kill: Enterococci
- Found in the intestines and female gential tract
- Infection is spread through person to person contract
Syndrome Ontario
Pathogens→Syndromes and Diseases→ 1) Recover, no longer infected 2) Survive 3) Die
How pathogens enter the human body?
Ocular, Resoiratory, Oral, or Urgoenitial/Rectal
Definition: Disease or syndrome
A pathogen condition of the body characterized by an identifiable group of signs and symptoms
Definition: Infectious disease
A disease caused by an infectious agent such as bacterium, virus, protozon, or fungus that can be passd on to others
Definition: Infection
Occurs when an infectious agent enters the body and begins to reproduce; may or may not lead to disease
Definition: Pathogen
An infectious agent that can cause disease
Definition: Host
An organism infected by aother organism or pathogen
Definition: Virulence
The relative ability of an agent to cause rapid and severe disease in a host
Classifications of Agents of Infections
Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi, Parastic worms, Prions
Allows virus to enter host’s cells
Allows virus to escape host’s cells
Malaria is caused by a single-cell parasite called Plasmodium which is transmitted via the bites of an infected mosquito
Prions Symptoms
- Abnormal behaviour
- Loss of coordination
- Progressive dementia