Infectious Disease Flashcards
Tx Pneumocystis Jiroveci
Major Jones criteria
Must have 2 major or 2 minor and 1 major to qualify as Rheumatic Fever P ancarditis A rthritis N odules (SQ) E rythema marginatum S yndenham chorea
Minor Jones criteria
Prolonged PRI
What does botulism bacteria look like?
Gram positive, Rod
Sx botulism
Descending bilateral weakness and cranial nerve involvement.
NO fever
NO sensory disturbance
Tx wound botulism
PCN allergic: metronidazole
What does Diphtheria bacteria look like?
Gram positive bacillus
Tx Diptheria
Antitoxin + PCN or E-mycin
Incubation period for malaria?
2-4 weeks
Pt presents with large spleen and anemia suspect what?
What is the most common pathogen causing chorioretinitis? (Posterior uveitis)
How to tx a pregnant woman with toxoplasmosis?
Borrelia Burdogeri causes what disease?
How soon does erythema migrans appear after tick bite?
2-4 weeks
Most common neuro manifestation of Lyme?
Bells’ Palsy
When is Lyme’s prophylaxis indicated?
Deer tick identified and present at least 36 hours. Can give doxy within 72 hours. Pt lives in endemic area.
Do not give doxy to pregnant women.
What transmits Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
American dog tick: rickettsia rickettsi
Rash starts at ankles and wrists and moves centrally
Tx Rocky Mountain spotted fever
pregnant women= chloramphenicol
Incubation period syphilis
3 weeks
Sx primary syphilis
Painless genital ulcer, resolves in 3-6 weeks
Sx secondary syphilis
Rash palms and soles Condyloma lata Fever Malaise LAD
Sx tertiary syphilis
Tabes Dorsalis
Posterior vs anterior lymph nodes etio?
Posterior associated with mono
Anterior associated with strep
Hutchinson’s sign
Grouped vesicles on the tip of the nose, is Zoster ophthalmicus until proven otherwise (emergency)
Etio Rubeola
Sx Rubeola
Cough, coryza, conjunctivitis
Koplik spots
Forscheimer spots
Rubella: reddish spots on soft palate
Erythema infectiosum
Parvovirus B19
Slapped cheeks
Lacy reticulated rash
Presentation Roseola
Very high fever x 3-5 days
Fever breaks, mac pap rash on trunk and spreading to extremities
Caused by HHSV 6 and 7
Tx needlestick from known HIV source
Offer 3 drug regimen x 4 weeks
Needlestick HIV testing intervals
6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months
What should always be given with INH?
B6 to prevent peripheral neuropathy
When is prophylaxis for pneumocystis jiroveci indicated?
When CD4 less than 200
Multiple ring enhancing lesions on CT
Cough Coryza Conjunctivitis Koplik Spots OOO