Infections affecting muscle tone Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Mnetion orgaims causing enecphalitis
Herpes simplex
Varicella zoster
Epstein barr
Post infectious encephlaitis
Muscle tone affected by which infesctions
Clostirudium tentani and botulimum
Colstirdia are sore forming or not ?
AEROBRS OR anaerobes ?
Habitat ?
Mechanism of action?
Spore forming gram + bacilli
strict anaerobes
In soil and lower intestinal tract of man and animal
has potent exotoxins
describe colstirdum tentani
Gram + anaerob spore forming
Motile with no capsule
Sproes giving it the shpae of Drum stick appearance
Appear in soil due to aniimal excreta so maurend lands are contaminated
Cuasing Tetanus !
Virelence factor of C,tetani is ?
as it is non invasice but depending on this polypepetide exotoxin
describe transmission of tetanus
=Wounds contaminated as in car accidient or gun shot
Vegtative spore loves necrosis + poor blood supply.
=Contaminated umbilical stump causing Tetanus Nenonatorum
=Animal bites
describe pathogenisi of tetanus
When the vegtative spres secretres tetanospamsin it trasnmits via peripheral nerves it retrograde transmission to the antreiro horn cells cuasing inhibition of the
Inhibitory transmitters of the synapse (GABA + Glycine )
So the synapse has sustained action so sustained excitation and contraction of the Muscles occur
Clinical picture of tetanus ?
-Lock jaw Trismus with Resus sardonicus
-Respiartory failure with high mortality rate
Clinical picture of tetanus ?
-Lock jaw Trismus with Resus sardonicus
-Respiartory failure with high
mortality rate
-Spastic body
Tetanus speciemis is ……..
Microscopic exam gram =
Cultivation on ,,,,,,,,,,,,,enrichment medium called,,,,,,,,,,, followed by culture on ,,,,,,agar icubated ,,,,,,, for 2-3 days at 37
,,,,,,,Hemolysis colonies due to production of ,,,,,,,, can be further identified by >?
Bicochemical reactions = ,,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Toxin detection :
Subculture isolated colconies on blood agar conatingin l…………..? aFter an aerobic incubation the hemolysis is ,,,,,,,,
Wound exudate
gram positive Drumstick bacilli
anaerobic robetson cooket meat
Beta - Tetanolysin by gram
=no sugar fermentation
=no gelatin liquifaction
Tratment of tetanus ?
Tetanus antitoxin
Metonidazole or penicillin G
Dark quiet place
Precnetion of tetanus
Diphterhia Tetsuns and pertuiss a cellular,,vaccine
In adolesnets and adults Tdap
Tentanus toxins is converted to toxoid by? Formaldehyde
What to do in cause of trauam ?
Wound must be clened and dbriede from Necrosis + booster
-If grossly conaminated
Tetanus Igs + Toxoid booster
= passive + active immunization
-Penecillin adminstration
Clostiridum botulimum:
Gram + anaerobic spore forming
motile + non capsulated
Oval ……..spore
Casuing ,,,,,,,,,,
Found in .,,,,,,,,,and ,,,,,,,,,
oval subterminal Spores
Soil and git of domestic animals
Canned food can cauase?
due to anaerobic canned food inside contaminated with C.botulim in anaerobic site casuign vegetation of spores and exotoxin release
The highrst risk Smoked fish -green beans -peppers -mushrooms
The toxin is Heat liable inactivated by boiling for several minutes thus disease can be prevented by sufficient cooking
BBotulinum nerotoxin types and function
8 serotypes A-H
Man affected by ABE
Neurotoxin is absorebed from gut then hematogenous spread to synapses of peripheral nerves
Irreversible binding to the Preysnaptic nerve ending causing protease activyy on proetins releasing Ach casuing no Ach release and Flaccid palaysis
Respiaroty muscle =death
Mention virulence factor of c,botulism ?
Botulinum neuroexotoxin
Clinical findings of botulism
Flaccid paralysis and weakness
causing dpilopia dysphagia
respiratory faiulure
2 modes of infection for botulism
=Wound infection through vegration of spopres germinating roxins on wounds
=Infant Botulism throth ingestion of sproes on honey geminating in GIT then to blood to synapses causing flaccid paralysis
How to confirm botulosm
Speciemen from remenat food or patient blood
-Animal pathogenicity injecting mice with the food then if died + botulism then neutralization of toxin with serotypes ABE to identify the serotypes
Speciemn for botulism detectin?
Cultivation and entrihcmetn on ?
then subcultureo n ….. ?anerobically 37 for 40 hours
Hemolytic coloes identifded by microscopic film gram stain :?
Food remeant -gastric content by gastric labvage
Robertson cooket meat medium
blood agaet
gram +spore forming bacilli
Biochemical reactions of botulimum
-Gelatin liqufiation
-Sugar glucose and maltose fermentation
-Proteolysis ABE Strains casuing blackening of Robertso cooked meat
H2s test +
Animal pathogenicity by,,,,,injection
Intraperitoneal injection
if died + botulism
then neurralization !
Tratment and precention of botulism
Trivvalent anti toxin ABE
+Respiratory support !
Adequalty cooked
Disaceding swollen cans
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