Infection Control Flashcards
Method of sterilization for heat sensitive items that require STERILIZATION (Spores/microorganisms)
Heat sensitive items: (low temp) ethylene oxide, plasma, (immersion) Glutaraldehyde, glutaraldehydes with phenol, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide with peracetic acid, peracetic acid
NOTE: immersion method is also considered high level disinfection
Steam autoclave 121C (250F) 15 PSI 15-20 minutes. Advantages: good turn around and good penetration. What are some disadvantages?
corrosion dulling of unprotected instruments, packages remain wet
Intermediate level disinfection destroys all vegetative bacteria and most fungi/viruses. Does it inactivate mycobacterium (TB)
Yes, EPA claims it kills TB
Chlorine containing products
Quaternary compounds with alcohol phenolics, iodophors
Non-critical with visible blood
What is the preferred method to disinfect alginate impressions?
Immersion disinfection for ten minutes with chlorine or iodophors
T/F: Sterilization destroys all micro-organisms including bacterial spores. Examples: steam, dry heat, unsaturated chemical vapor, ethylene oxide, plasma sterilization, glutaraldehyde, hydrogen peroxide
Dental unit waterlines: regulatory standard for safe drinking water is LESS than or equal to ____ CFU/mL
Infection control categories of patient care instruments: Critical - what are some of the dental instruments that fall into this category?
1) Periodontal scalers
2) Scalpel blades
3) surgical burs
4) surgical instruments
Dental unit waterlines: regulatory standard for safe drinking water is LESS than or equal to ____ CFU/mL
Which is not a sterilizing form of infection control?
a) Glutaraldehyde
b) Glutaraldehydes with phenol
c) Hydrogen peroxide
d) Hydrogen peroxide with peracetic acid
e) Ortho-phyhalal-dehyde
High level disinfectant (microorganisms): glutaraldehyde, glutaraldehydes with phenol, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide with peracetic acid
Ortho-phyhalal-dehyde (OPD is unique to high level of disinfectants and is NOT a sterilant)
Low-level disinfectant- destroys vegetative bacteria and most fungi/viruses. Does it inactivate mycobacterium (TB)?
No EPA has NO claim to killing TB
Quaternary ammonium compounds, some phenolics, some iodophors
Non-critical without visible blood, good for cleaning clinical surfaces
Which is not a CRITICAL dental instrument or item as it pertains to infection control categories?
a) Surgical instruments
b) Periodontal scalers
c) Scalpel blades
d) Dental handpieces
e) Surgical dental burs
d) Dental handpieces
NOTE: although dental hand pieces are considered a semi critical item, they should always be heat-sterilized between uses and not high-level disinfected
You need to kill spores, what type of infection control is indicated?
Sterilization: Destroys all microorganisms, including bacterial spores
Note: Heat-tolerant critical and semi-critical - steam, dry heat, unsaturated chemical vapor
Heat-sensitive items: ethylene oxide, plasma, Glutaraldehyde, glutaraldehyes with phenol, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, with peracetic acid, peracetic acid
Are non sterile gloves to be used?
Yes, unless it is an aseptic procedure
Method of sterilization for heat - tolerant critical and semi-critical items that require Sterilization (spores/microorganisms)
(HIGH TEMP) steam, dry heat, unsaturated chemical vapor
Which infection control category do the following items fall into?
1) Radiograph head/cone
2) blood pressure cuff
3) face bow
4) pulse oximeter
Non-critical dental equipment: contacts intact skin
T/F: High-level disinfection destroys all micro-organisms and all spores
False, not all spores
Which infection control category do the following items fall into?
1) Dental mouth mirror
2) amalgam condenser
3) reusable dental impression trays
4) dental hand pieces
SEMI-CRITICAL instruments
1) Contacts mucous membranes or nonintact skin
2) will not penetrate soft tissue, contact bone, enter into or contact the bloodstream or other normally sterile tissue
What is the criteria for a dental instrument that calls into the infection control category of CRITICAL?
1) penetrates soft tissue
2) contacts bone
3) enters into or contacts bloodstream