Handbook 9 Trauma Flashcards
What % of treacher collins syndrome patients have cleft palate?
also called mandibulofacial dysostosis
T/F: Teeth treated with apexification often are prone to fracture. One of the disadvantages of this treatment is the duration of the treatment which lasts many months
A patient presents with multiple periapical granulomas and cysts. What is your diagnosis?
Dentin dysplasia type 1
Bohns noduls: location and what are they a remnant of?
occur on junction of hard and soft palate; remnants of minor salivary glands
What stage of morphological development is interrupted for AI hypoplastic type?
Histodifferentiation (also DI)
When occurs from 5 months in utero to 10 months post-natal?
initiation of accessional dentition
What is the length of time for root completion of permanent teeth?
3 years post eruption
Three items in the Pierre Robin sequence
1) Micrognathia
2) Glossoptosis
3) CL/CP
12-25% have heart disease
Hanks solution, milk, saline, are good storage mediums for avulsed teeth. Why is water NOT a good storage medium?
Because water is hypotonic, its use leads to rapid cell lysis and increased inflammation on replantation
What is another name of mandibulofacial dysostosis?
Treacher Collins Syndrome
1st branchial arch, pouch, groove, hypoplastic mandible
30% have cleft palate
Craniosynostosis: which of the following is not in the family of craniosynostosis?
a) Apert
b) Crouzon
c) Pfeiffer
d) Carpenter
e) Achondroplasia
e) Achrondroplasia
(defect in ENDOCHONDRAL ossification)
Note: posterior natal/neonatal teeth associated with Pfieffer, histiocytosis X
In a patient with a permanent tooth with closed apex that has an extrusive luxation, what is the treatment?
Ca(OH)2 pulpectomy within 2 weeks then endodontic therapy if the apex is closed. IF the apex is open, chlorhexidine, analgesics, do not prove area for 4 weeks, f/u in 2 weeks. Monitor for pathology
Internal resorption is a destructive process generally believed to be caused by what?
odontoclastic action
Error in what morphological developmental stage results in enamel pearls, hypercementosis, enamel hypoplasia, and dentin dysplasia?
The crowns of teeth that have undergone this reaction may have a yellowish- opaque color
Calcific metamorphosis/ Although the radiograph may give the illusion of complete obliteration, an extremely fine root canal and remnants of the pulp will persist. Monitor primary teeth, however consider permanent teeth with calcific metamorphisis a potential focus of infection and also monitor. Note: 35-50% of luxated primary teeth develop a yellowish hue from pulp canal obliteration
Define overweight and obese in terms of percentages
OW x>85%
OB x>95%
What is the frequency of occurrence of seizures to be considered epilepsy?
3 or more recurrent seizures
What is the term for an indentation of bone containing the submandibular gland?
Stafne bone defect
occurs in adolescent males, cyst-like radiolucency in posterior mandible, submandibular fossa. Not an actual cyst
Who is susceptible to MH?
Duchenne’s, Mitochondrial disorders
T/F: Visible plaque on maxillary anterior teeth is one of the best predictors of future caries
4 months in utero for permanent 1st molar, one year of age for permanent 2nd molar, and ____ for third molar
age 4-5
35-50% of luxated primary teeth develop a yellowish hue from pulp canal obliteration from what injury?
T/F: 2-3 weeks after an injury when internal hemorrhage occurs, discoloration may be evident
True, 35% will NOT be necrotic