Chapter 1 Flashcards
Damage at what stage of development leads to peg laterals, macrodontia, mulberry molars, and talon cusps?
When does human tooth development begin?
begin in the 6th week of embryonic life
When does calcification of primary maxillary central incisors begin?
14 weeks in utero
Microdontia/macrodontia of teeth is because of damage in what stage of development?
Damage at what stage of development leads to AI or DI?
Problems with initiation and proliferation lead to what?
supernumerary or anodontia
At birth, which teeth are in the process of calcification?
all primary teeth and first permanent molars
Problems with histodifferentiation lead to…
amelogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta
The crowns of all permanent teeth (with exception of wisdom teeth) are calcified by age…
8 years; tetracycline cannot be given until after 8 years of age
“Oral contraceptives: the antibiotic may render the oral contraceptive ineffective for up to ___ week(s) after the last dose. example: rifampicin, penicillin, tetracycline
1 week
When does macroscopic morphologic development begin?
11 weeks in utero
Growth curves - at what percentile do you refer?
below 3% above 97%
Damage at what stage leads to enamel hypoplasia?