Chapter 9 Part II Flashcards
These persons are phenotypic females who are usually missing one of the X chromosomes. They are chromosomally designated as 45,X
Turner Syndrome
T/F: Treacher collins syndrome: BILATERAL symmetric abnormal development of the structures arising from the first and second branchial arches
The first branchial arch is involved with the growth of the mandible and zygomaticomaxillary complex and the second arch is involved with the hyoid bone and middle ear
Macrodontia = CHOG
What does CHOG stand for?
1) Crouzon
2) Hemifacial hyperplasia
3) Otodental
4) Glododontia
Gel foam 1.23% APF = ___ ppm
12,300 ppm
acidulated F can etch porcelain restorations
Maxillary canine impaction occurs in approximately ___ percent of the population and is twice as common in females as it is in males
What is the triad of submucous cleft palate?
1) Bifid uvula
2) Palatal muscle diastasis
3) Notch in posterior surface of hard palate
Describe DI - Shields Type III
rare, brandywine population
bell shaped crowns
shell teeth with short roots and enlarged pulp chambers
enamel pitting, regular tubules, multiple pulp exposures
What is the sequence of calcification of primary teeth?
A, D, B, C, E
Fluoride varnish 5% NaF = __ PPM
22500 ppm
Where are pulp horns in primary teeth espcially more occlusally located on molars?
mesio-facially on molars
Approximately __% of the US population has a malocclusion, only ___% of the population have malocclusion severe enough to NEED orthodontic treatment
What occurs when there is interference with calcification?
T/F: Dentin dysplasia type 2 is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait in which the primary dentition appears opalescent and on radiographs has obliterated pulp chambers, similar to the appearance in DI. Unlike in DI, however, in dentin dysplasia type 2 the permanent dentition has normal color and radiographically exhibits a thistle tube pulp configuration with pulp stones
What is the classic triad for submucous cleft palate?
1) Bifid uvula
2) Palatal muscle diastasis
3) Notch in the posterior surface of hard palate
Which chromosomal aberration is associated with deletion of Philadelphia chromosome no 22?
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
Which papillae on the tongue are arranged in folds along the lateral margins of the tongue and are associated with taste sensation?
a) Fungiform
b) Filiform
c) Foliate
d) Circumvallate
c) Foliate
T/F: A gene that expresses a particular phenotype in single dose is a dominant gene, the phenotype is dominant or recessive and not the gene itself
Taurodontism and TDO (tricho-dento-osseous) are associated with what enamel defect?
What is a disorder that involves the process of maturation of the enamel crystal. This occurs after an essentially normal enamel matrix has been established. The enamel is of normal thickness (not hypoplastic) and relatively normal hardness (slightly hypocalcified) with reduced radiographic density and discoloration?
a) Hypocalcification
b) Hypoplasia
c) Hypomaturation
c) Hypomaturation
BQ: What is the first oral presentation of leukemia (often with AML)?
Gingival enlargement and bleeding secondary to neutropenia/thrombocytopenia may be a presenting symptom of AML
The most frequently reported oral abnormalities attributed to the leukemic process include regional lymphadenopathy, mucous membrane petechiae and ecchymoses, gingival bleeding, gingival hypertrophy, pallor, and nonspecific ulceration
In a periapical infection, which microorganism is present?
Strep viridans
What is the sequence of calcification of the molar cusp tips?
T/F: Patients with dentiongenesis imperfecta tend to have large pulp chambers
Only DI Type III
others have SMALL pulp chambers
What is the chronic disseminated form of histiocytosis X?
Hans Schuller Christan disease
multifocal eosinophilic granulomas of bone; hepatosplenomegaly
What is the length of time for root completion of primary and permanent teeth?
Primary teeth: 18 months
Permanent teeth: 3 years
In cases of anodontia, what % of third molars are missing? What about mandibular second premolars?
3rds: 20%
mandibular second premolars: 0.85%
2% NaF = ___ ppm
9040 ppm
What is the optimal fluoride level in water?
0.7 ppm, effectiveness 20-30% reduction of dental disease
What is the % effectiveness of fluoridated water?
20-30% reduction of dental disease. There is no benefit of prenatal administration of fluoride
What is the most common and least severe form of histiocytosis X?
eosinophilic granuloma
How much variation (months) in eruption times of primary teeth is considered normal?
up to 18 months
What happens to the tongue in syndromes such as downs, cretinism, and vitamin B complex?
fissured tongue
T/F: Low income children are affected disproportioniately with dental caries: 80% of decay is found in 20-25% of children. A dental home is the ongoing relationship between the dentist and the patient, inclusive of all aspects of oral health care delivery, in a comprehensive, continuously accessible, coordinated and family centered way
In neurofibromatosis, where are the most common oral locations for neurofibromas?
tongue and buccal mucosa
What % of children and adolescents (2-19 yo) are obese?
What are monogenic traits?
Traits produced and regulated by a single gene locus; rare; albinism, achondroplasia (hypodontia), or neurofibromatosis
Where are 2/3 of impacted canines located?
Where are 1/3 of impacted canines located?
What are the two developmentally different cell layers that are separated by an extra-cellular matrix and specific tooth development is then mutually dependent on reciprocal cell-to-cell signaling between these two developmentally different cell layers?
Inner enamel epithelium (enamel) and neural crest (dentin)
Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in the US among children 1-15 years of age
What amount (ppm) of fluoride will result in moderate fluorosis?
2 ppm
What is the disorder in which the enamel matrix is so drastically altered that normal calcification cannot occur, with the result that the clinical phenotype is a soft, mushy enamel that easily wears away?
a) Hypocalcification
b) Hypoplasia
c) Hypomaturation
a) Hypocalcification
Which genetic syndrome is an extra X chromosome in males?
Klinefelters syndrome
A patient presents with enamel pitting. The roots appear to be short with enlarged pulp chambers. The crowns are bell shaped. What is your diagnosis?
DI Shields type III
T/F: More than 1/3 of the US population does NOT benefit from community water fluoridation
In enamel hypoplasia, why do teeth appear SMALL?
Defective in amount, even though enamel is hard and well calcified
Two types of deficient enamel phenotypes: generalized (all the enamel) and localized (pits and grooves in specific areas)
T/F: Pacifier use should be stopped or limited in the second six months of life to reduce risk of otitis media
Use of cup by what age?
3 or 4