Infant Reflexes Flashcards
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Touch mouth to cheek; head and tongue turn toward stimulus
- appears: birth
- disappears: 3 mos
- primitive reflex
Suck/ Swallow:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Sucking coordinated with swallowing-stimulus is to the lips
- appears: birth
- disappears: 2-5 mos
- primitive reflex
Crossed extension:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Noxious stimulus to the sole of one foot (stabilized.) Other leg flexes and then extends.
- appears: birth
- disappears: 1-2 mos
- primitive reflex
Flexor withdrawal:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Noxious stimulus to the sole; hip & knee flex; ankle dorsiflexes
- appears: birth
- disappears: 1-2 mos
- primitive reflex
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Pull to sit grasping forearms; shoulders, elbows, wrist and fingers flex
- appears: birth
- disappears: 2-5 mos
- primitive reflex
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Head drops with relation to trunk; extension and abduction of arms followed by flexion and adduction
- appears: birth
- disappears: 5-6 mos
- primitive reflex
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Same as Moro except loud noise is the stimulus
- appears: birth
- disappears: 5-6 mos
- primitive reflex
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Pressure on lateral spine from 12th rib to iliac crest; incurving of trunk toward side of stimulation
- appears: birth
- disappears: 2 mos
- primitive reflex
Primary standing:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Stand on flat surface; extension of knees and hips (not fully) weight bearing on legs momentarily
- appears: birth
- disappears: 2 mos
- primitive reflex
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Same as standing but tilt forward baby forward to shift onto balls of feet - heel toe stepping movements with ankle dorsiflexion, toe extension
- appears: birth
- disappears: 2 mos
- primitive reflex
Placing of arms and legs:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Ankle dorsiflexor stimulation – infant lifts foot and puts it on the table; Stimulation to the back of the wrist, places hand on table
- appears: birth
- disappears: 2 mos
- primitive reflex
Plantar grasp:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Press thumb into infant’s foot; toes flex and adduct
- appears: birth
- disappears: 9 mos
- primitive reflex
Palmar grasp:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Press thumb into infants palm; fingers flex and adduct
- appears: birth
- disappears: 4-6 mos
- primitive reflex
Assymetrical Tonic Neck Reflex:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- turn baby’s head - Flexion of skull limbs, extension of jaw limbs (head in midline will cause reflex to disappear)
- appears: birth
- disappears: 4-6 mos
- attitudinal reflex or tonic/brainstem reflex
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Head flexed, flexion of arms, extension of legs; head extended, extension of arms, flexion of legs (cobra pose, beginning of creep)
- appears: 4-6 mos
- disappears: 8-12 mos
- attitudinal reflex or tonic/brainstem reflex
Positive supporting reaction-arms:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- In prone, infant bears weight on forearms (3 months) or hands with elbows and wrist extended (6 months)
- appears: 3 mos
- disappears: 4-6 mos
- attitudinal reflex or tonic/brainstem reflex
Positive supporting reaction-legs:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Lower child vertically so feet contact surface; child bears weight bilaterally; hips and knees extend-full wt. bearing
- appears: 6-9 mos
- disappears: persists
- attitudinal reflex or tonic/brainstem reflex
Optical righting reaction (RR):
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Tilt upright infant and infant will right to vertical (uses optical system to keep head in midline)
- appears: birth-2 mos
- disappears: persists
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Labrynthine RR on head:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Blindfold (uses vestibular system to keep head in midline) infant-tilt in all directions and infant’s head will return to vertical
- appears: birth-2 mos
- disappears: persists
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Neo-neck on body RR:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Rotate head; body moves as a unit (log rolls)
- appears: birth
- disappears: 4-5 mos
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Body on head RR:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Infant’s head rights to vertical when placed in prone
- appears: birth-2 mos
- disappears: 5 years
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Neo-Body on Body RR:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Rotate lower body; body rolls as a unit
- appears: birth
- disappears: 4-5 mos
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Body on Body RR:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Rotate lower body in supine or prone and the body will roll segmentally
- appears: 4-6 mos
- disappears: 2-5 years
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Neck on Body RR:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Rotate head in prone or supine and the body rolls segmentally
- appears: 4-6 mos
- disappears: 2-5 years
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Suspend child prone and spine will extend; scapulae adduct and arms extend and adduct
- appears: 2-4 mos
- disappears: 1-2 years
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Protective Extension legs and arms (Parachute reaction):
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Thrust child toward a surface-extended arms or extended legs make contact-also can be called a positive supporting reaction
- appears: 4 mos
- disappears: persists
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Protective Extension-fwd:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- In sitting, push infant forward-arms will go forward and plant for support
- appears: 6-9 mos
- disappears: persists
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Protective Extension-sideways:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Push infant sideways and he will catch himself with the arm opposite the side of the push
- appears: 7-8 mos
- disappears: persists
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Protective extension-backwards:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Displace child backward and child’s arms extend backwards to catch
- appears: 9-10 mos
- disappears: persists
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Equilibrium reactions (ER) Prone: What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- In prone, Tilt child right or left-trunk shows concavity of spine to the up side with up side limbs straightening and abduction
- appears: 5-6 mos
- disappears: Mature at 4 years
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
ER in Supine:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- In supine, tilt child right or left-trunk shows concavity of spine to the up side with up side limbs straightening and abduction
- appears: 7-8 mos
- disappears: mature at 4 years
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
ER in Sitting:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- in sitting tilt child right or left-trunk shows concavity of spine to the up side with up side limbs straightening and abduction; limbs on down side may go into protective extension
- appears: 7-8 mos
- disappears: mature at 4 years
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
ER on all fours:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- on all fours, tilt child right or left-trunk shows concavity of spine to the up side with up side limbs straightening and abduction
- appears: 9-12 mos
- disappears: mature at 4 years
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
ER standing:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- in standing, tilt child right or left-trunk shows concavity of spine to the up side with up side limbs straightening and abduction
- appears: 12-21 mos
- disappears: Mature at 4 years
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex
Protective Staggering:
What is it? appears? disappears? what kind of reflex?
- Displace child’s COG-steps in the direction being pushed
- appears: 15-18 mos
- disappears: persists
- righting reactions - midbrain or cortical reflex