IDEA Flashcards
When did congress pass the education for all handicapped children’s act (EHA)?
Part B guaranteed free and appropriate public education. what are the 5 components included in part B?
- “Zero reject” – every individual has the opportunity to receive public education
- “Least restrictive environment” - Each educational agency has to provide a least restricted program with children who are not disabled
- “IEP” - Individual eductional plan
- “Related services” - PT
- “Free due process hearing for parents” - If parents have complaints that this law is not being implemented, they have access to a free due process hearing
IDEA is split into two components, B and C. What age groups do these cover?
- Part B addresses education for individuals 3-21
- Part C addresses growth and development 0-3
When does transition training occur under part B?
starts at 16 for transition after 21
- not covered under part B if they choose to go to post-secondary education
What is an IFSP?
“individualized family service plan”
- for birth-3
- occurs in their natural environment
What is Part C early intervention?
- Philosophy and a Service: “to support families in promoting their children’s development and participation in community life”
1. Intervening early in a child’s life to encourage growth and development
2. Family Focused
3. Family Directed
4. Children are more responsive to experiential learning during the first 3 years of life due to rapid brain growth and plasticity
5. Federally and State Funded
6. State Directed - Different state to state in terms of the way services are delivered to families
Is a PT a direct provider under part B and/ or C?
Part C only
- related service in part B
Who is eligible for services under Part C?
Infants and toddlers birth to 3rd birthday who:
- are experiencing developmental delays, as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures, in one or more of the following: cognitive development, physical development, including vision and hearing, communication development, adaptive development
- have a diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in developmental delay
- at a state’s discretion are at risk of having substantial developmental delays if early intervention services are not provided
specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability, including instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions, and in other settings: and instruction in physical education
Part B Special Education
What is the eligibility criteria for children to receive related services under Part B?
Impairment has to interfere with your ability to learn: MD and CP don’t automatically apply
- PT, OT, SLP, audiology, psychology, counseling, etc.
- The IEP team determines if the unique expertise of a PT is required for the student to be able to access participate, access, participate, and progress in the educational environment
What is the civil rights law that determined children with disabilities are entitled to if 1. all children without disabilities would receive these services, 2. state provides a free and appropriate education, and 3. mandatory to provide such services to individuals with disabilities
Section 504
- school district does not receive reimbursement for services for children with 504 plans
When do evaluations and assessments take place in part B and C?
- Part C: Periodic review every 6 months
- Part B: Periodic review annually; Reevaluation for special education qualification every 3 years; Evaluation vs. Assessment; Family Interview and Observation
How does PT fit into Part B and C?
- Part C:
1. Evaluator
2. Can qualify for Part C (EI) based on PT findings/needs - Part B:
1. Child has to qualify for special education in order to qualify for PT
2. No formal testing required to qualify for PT (team decision)
Who are the direct providers in Part B?
Special education teachers (LD, ED, ID) and speech language pathologists, vision teachers
What is the time frame from referral to the agency, that they must appoint a service coordinator, complete the evaluation, and assessment activities, and hold a meeting to develop the initial IFSP?
45 days
What timeframe must an IEP team meet after eligibility has been determined to write the IEP?
within 30 days
What is the max amount of time a child can be out of the classroom per week, not with their peers?
- if it is over, a written justification must be written
What are the models of service delivery under part B?
- Direct - integrated
- Consultative
- Monitoring
Service delivery model: PT is primary service provider to child; Traditional model; “Pull out” or natural environment; Should rarely be used as primary method of service delivery
Service delivery model: PT interacts with child, teacher, aide, and family (Still lots of direct type of services); Services are in the learning environment; Team collaboration; Many individuals involved in implementation of program
Service delivery model: PT interacts with educational team; Services provided in learning environment; Appropriate members of team implement activities; PT does not provide direct intervention; Can be used for individual children, but also programmatically (Safety, transportation, positioning)
Service delivery model: PT does not provide direct intervention; Follow-up of children who have impairments, activity limitations, or participation restrictions that may show regression; Useful for monitoring of adaptive equipment; Good transition from direct to no services
Goal – to assist in achieving educational goals and facilitating access/participation and benefit in the educational program.; Services are based on the IEP; Decisions are made by IEP team; Student progress and/or participation in the learning environment (not medical diagnosis) is what determines therapist intervention; Implementation of the IEP is primarily provided by teachers and supported by therapists.
School-based model
Goal – to treat a client’s continuum of need (acute through rehab); Services are driven by the patient’s diagnosis and acuteness of condition; Decisions on intervention and service are made by the therapist; Implementation of the intervention plan is primarily provided by a therapist.
Clinical model
individual has a physical or mental impairment limiting at least one major life activity; has a record of having a physical or mental impairment limiting at least one major life activity
disability as determined by section 504