Industrial Revolution Flashcards
What improvements came out of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?
Regulation of minimum wage, fireproofing guidelines, building codes (doors opening outwards, etc.)
What was used to make sausages produced in the meat packing factories?
Very unsanitary processes, anything
What happened to people who were injured at work and couldn’t do their job?
They were fired
What does the Food and Drug Administration allow to be included in the processed food for human consumption?
A small percentage of bugs (the small things that get ground up and can not be taken out)
What did factory floor managers do to make the factory employees work harder?
They would incentivize the employees, mainly by beating them
What was the Industrial Revolution?
The transformation of agriculture and industry that led to profound economic and social changes
What were the three factors of production required to drive the industrial revolution?
Capital - money to invest
Natural resources
Labor supply
What was the main cause of the process of urbanization that occurred in 19th-century Britain and elsewhere in western Europe?
What did Britain do in order to keep industrial secrets from the United States?
Parliament passed laws restricting the flow of textile machinery and skilled workers to other countries
In what way did the Agricultural Revolution pave the way for the Industrial Revolution?
Increase in food production, and therefore an increase in population. The advancements made in agriculture freed up farmers to work in factories
What contributed the most to the shorter life span of those living in cities as opposed to those in the country?
Illness caused by unsanitary conditions
Which was the first area to undergo major industrialization?
Name three positive aspects of industrialization?
Economic growth, more efficient division of labor, and technological innovation
More access to goods, provided jobs, better economy
Which areas of life did NOT improve as an early result of the Industrial Revolution?
Living conditions for the average worker,educational opportunities, affordability of consumer goods
Name three characteristics of the early Industrial Revolution.
- Child labor
- working conditions were dangerous
- living conditions were also terrible
Name three industries that benefited from the internal combustion engine.
- Automobile industry
- Industrial plants
- Aerospace industry
What is collective bargaining?
union leaders and employers meet together to discuss problems and reach an agreement
The Industrial Revolution started in which country?
What was the benefit of the domestic system?
More people working from their homes
Name three reasons why working in factories during the early Industrial Revolution was dangerous.
Bad working and living conditions
What did the enclosure movement do?
It allowed landowners to take over and fence off private and common lands, and forced poor farmer to find jobs.
What is industrial capitalism?
Continually expanding factories or investing in new businesses
Name three factors that allowed for Great Britain to develop the industrial system.
- Workforce/labor force
- Natural resources
- They had the funding
What are interchangeable parts?
Machine-made parts that were exactly alike and easily assembled or exchanged
Where were most of the earliest factories located?
Located near rivers