Induction of labour Flashcards
When should IOL first be discussed with mothers?
38 weeks
When should IOL be offered in uncomplicated pregnancies?
What should be offered if declining IOL?
41-42 weeks
From 42 weeks- twice weekly CTG and USS for AFI
PROM at term-
What should women be offered?
Expectant mx vs IOL at 24 hours
What should VBAC be informed about IOL?
Increased risk LSCS
Increased risk uterine rupture (1% scar rupture synto)
Can breech be offered IOL?
Not reccommended
Contraindications to IOL?
Severe FGR with confirmed fetal compromise
When should membrane sweeping be offered?
p0- 40+41 weeks
multip 41 weeks
Compared with expectant mx, IOL at 41 weeks associated with fewer what?
Perinatal deaths
Mec aspiration
Caesarean section
Admission to NICU- no statistical difference
After 34 weeks- when should women be induced?
After 34 weeks there is no conclusive evidence about IOL vs expectant management, clinical picture should be considered and women should be offered options with advice
Prostagladin vs balloon induction?
Why are mechanical methods not recommended by NICE
Balloon catheters do not reduced LSCS rates
They are associated with prolonged IOL and increased use of syntocinon