ANC Flashcards
What the moderate RFs for PET?
How many for aspirin prophylaxis?
Nullip >40 Pregnancy interval 10 years + BMI 35+ FH PET Multiple pregnancy
2> Aspirin
What are the high RFs for PET?
How many for aspirin?
HTN disease prev preg CKD Autoimmune disease Diabetes Chronic HTN
OGTT diagnosis GDM?
Fast 5.6+
2 hour 7.8+
What are target blood sugars?
Fasting 5.3
1 hour after eating 7.8
2 hours 6.4
RFs for SGA- Majors RFs
There are 13
Age 40+ Paternal SGA Maternal SGA Coccaine use Daily vigorous exercise Prev SGA Smoker >10 Chronic HTN Diabetic vasc disease Renal impairment Antiphospholipid syndrome Heavy PV bleed Low PAPP-A
Minor RFs for SGA
There are 10
Age >35 IVF P0 BMI >20 BMI 25-35 Smoker 1-10 60m
Anti DECK- At which level refer for monitoring
Anti D
Anti E
Anti C
Anti k
Anti D >4
E Refer if C present
C >7.5
K Refer when detected
How to monitor when red cell anitbody level reached?
Weekly fetal MCA
If red cell antibodies detected- how often should levels be checked?
Every 4 weeks then 2 weekly from 28 weeks
What is the incidence of cerebral palsy at 22-27?
CP 28-31 weeks?
32-36 weeks CP?
Term CP?
What is dose of mgso4 for neuro protection?
What do you need to monitor?
4g IV bolus 15 mins
IV infusion 1g/hour
PR RR BP Tendons, UO
What is the infectivity period of parvovirus?
Incubation period?
7-10 days before rash and day 1 of rash
Incubation- 4-14 days. Normally 7
Vertical transmission of parvovirus
< 15 weeks