individual processes Flashcards
what do business leaders want in their people? (qualities)
-kindness (giving to others without some sort of personal gain)
-discriminant (understand deeper reasoning why things happen)
a relatively stable set of characteristics that influence behavior is how people reach and interact with others
big 5 model personalities
- extroversion = our comfort level with new relationships (social assertive)
-agreeableness= good-natured
-conscientious = measure of our reliability
-emotional stability = dealing with stress
-openness to expressing a –p
level of creativity/novelty
what is the locus of control?
-belief that life is controlled by oneself versus outside factors
what are the two types of locus of control?
-external: controlled by outside factors like luck
-internal: people believe they can control what is happening to them
what is a Type A personality?
incessantly struggling to achieve more
-impatient, multi-tasker, lack of leisure time, obsessed with measurements
what did Machiavelli personaility say?
-self-centered and willing to deceive to achieve their goals
-these people believe that it is better to be feared than loved
-the end justifies the means
what is narcissism?
high degree of self-importance and arrogance
what is the dark triad?
what is the difference between personality and national culture?
-national culture greatly influences the dominant personality of its populace
-culture reflects the nationality personality characteristics
what are the values of world-leading organizations?
what are the 3 actions that you can take in an unethical organization?
-prevent it
-blow the whistle
-(your reality) is our sensory experience of the world
-it allows us to act within our environment
=helps us understand satisfaction and involvement
job satisfaction
a collection of feelings that an individual holds towards their job including fair outcomes and treatments
what causes job satisfaction?
advancement opportunities
supportive supervisors and co-workers
your own personality
what kind of effect can high job satisfaction have?
-decreases turnover, absenteeism, deviant behavior
-increases customer satisfaction, productivity, and profits
what effect does taking personality tests for an organization have?
-an expensive way to weed people out
-most widely used personality test
-which identifies learning, decision-making, management, teambuilding characteristics
cognitive dissonance
-any kind of inconsistency between our attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, values, or emotions
-discomfort feeling when holding two conflicts
-an unethical behavior that makes your question yourself basically
core self-evaluations
-Self-efficacy- the belief that one’s ability to do a task
-Self-esteem - the extent to which people like/dislike themselves
-Locus control
-Emotional intelligence- is the ability to monitor your and others feelings and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions
what effect can low self-efficacy entail?
foster learned helplessness which is the lack of faith in your ability to control your environment
what are the four traits of emotional intelligence?
-Self-awareness= read your own emotions and gauge your moods
-Self-management = control your emotions and act with honesty
-Social awareness
-Relationship management communicates clearly
what are the three components of attitudes?
-Affective - feelings or emotions a person has about a situation
-Cognitive - beliefs and knowledge one has about a situation
-Behavioral- is also known as the intentional component of how one intends or expects to behave towards a situation
ABCDEs of cognitive restructuring
A- name the event/problem
B- list your beliefs about it
C- identify the consequences of your beliefs
D- formulate a counterargument of initial thoughts
E- describe how energized and empowered you feel at the moment
what are the four main steps of perception?
Selective attention
Interpretation and evaluation
Storing in memory
Retrieving form memory to make judgments and decisions
what are the 5 distortions of perception?
-implicit bias: attitude/beliefs that affect our understanding/actions.decisions in an unconscious matter
-halo effect
Is which we form an impression of an individual based on a single trait
-The recency effect
Is the tendency to remember recent information better than earlier
-Causal attributions
Is the activity of inferring causes for observed behavior
what explicit bias?
-implicit bias: attitude/beliefs that affect our understanding/actions.decisions in a conscious matter
what are the two attribute tendencies that distort one’s interpretation of observed behavior?
-Fundamental attribution bias people attribute another person’s behavior to their characteristics rather than to situational factors (jerks who cut you off)
-Self-serving bias: people tend to take more responsibility for success than for failure
Self-fulfilling prophecy (pygmalion effect):
: describes the phenomenon in which people’s expectations of themselves lead them to behave in ways that make those expectations true
Prosocial behavior (PSB)
-is defined as voluntary behavior intended to benefit another like helping to donate sharing and comforting