case studies Flashcards
what was the reason that the protagonist missed when deciding to send or not send the fax?
Linda has an ethical obligation to keep her transactions honest
did the client have any obligation in this transaction?
buyer beware - they have to take some responsibility
what were some issues that the protagonist had to consider? what did they all lead to?
- you are the scapegoat
-too much money at stake
-peter is a useless manager
-no real VP access - out of your reach and they will end up calling linda
-Linda is not objective
=all paths lead to Linda
what actually happened in the conflict on the trading floor?
-they sent the fax which caused everyone to lose their job, and the bank was sued running its reputation
what is the third fundamental law?
when placed in a difficult situation most people follow the path of least resistance
0 which is the wast way out
why does the varsity team lose to the JV team? What is the root cause?
there is too much fingerpointing/poor leadership/ lack of bonding/ low confidence/ no team identity
what caused the conflict?
the rowers had a task-related difficulty which triggered interpersonal conflict
is conflict bad? what does research have to say about it?
- nope, an exchange of opinions improves decisions
-research shows some levels of task conflict increase performance
-being able to accept criticism requires trust and respect
a psychological state compromising the intention to accept vulnerability based on positive expectations the intentions or behavior of another
-which was not seen in the varsity team
how could trust be applied to the varsity team?
-rowing a boat requires interdependence
-when a rower is out of sync you should trust that they will fix their mistake
- but the varsity team did not, they believed that the individuals were not doing their fair share which made the process of rowing harder
- their low level of trust was seen in the emails
team identification
gives an emotional connection to the group
- fell secure/trusting/less likely to free ride
intergroup rivalry
-string identification with a team is often linked to competition with other teams
-the distinction between JV and varsity defined the teams
-practicing together ensured competition developed
-intensifying rivalry bonded the JV group but became problematic for varsity
what lesson can be learned from the army crew team?
-the right mix of technical and interpersonal skills
-early wins boost confidence
-Foster team trust
-interventions are sometimes necessary
what was the conclusion of the army crew team?
great teams are almost always more than a sum of individual parts
why is lincoln the best manufacturing company in the world? what evidence do you see that demonstrates success?
they believe it because they encourage individual performance and pay
what were three aspects of Lincoln?
-helped competitors out during WW2 because they knew they could still outperform competitors after r
lifetime employment
amount of bonuses
what evidence proves that Lincoln’s approach has worked?
= Sales and profit chart
consistently earned 10-15 ROI
growth is internally financed
debt-free (almost) balance sheet
what anecdotal evidence did Lincoln provide that his approach worked?
-Market share expanding
-dominant. producer
market leader
believe that their a[rpach to motivate males them the best
What were other factors of Lincoln’s success other than pay?
policies are clear
communicated frequently to all
policies are consistently enforced
policies are consistent both with each other and their product market strategy (increase value and decreased cost)
executives live by the same rules and worked as hard as everyone
what are key policies and practices?
piecework pay- you get what you earned
guaranteed employment
communication and cooperation between functions
Lincoln attracted motivated individuals
the reduced distinction between management and workers
management advisory board that listened
lack of union
shared values between management and workers
lifetime employment allows the accumulation of knowledge
focused on customer needs
salesmen know to weld
honesty and fairness
minimization of conflict -shared goals of high profit and high bonus
internal promotion s
what were the three aspects that the company reinforced?
shared goals
shared values
serve ti improve communication and reduce barriers to inefficiency
what problems does the management system create?
-guranteed emplyment limits abiliity to contract and expand