Indicating/Recording Flashcards
Q 01: What does a pulsing green engine parameter indicate?
A: An ADVISORY, the parameter is about to reach the limit.
B: An ADVISORY, the parameter is out of the limits
C: A MEMO, the parameter has a faulty indication.
D: A level 3 failure requiring immediate crew action.
Q 02: On a bottom of the STATUS page, what does the green arrow mean?
A: It is a reminder to land as soon as possible.
B: It indicates that there is a system page behind.
C: It means that there is more information to be seen.
Q 03: When should the EMER CANC push button be used?
A: At the completion of an ECAM procedure for an abnormal procedure.
B: Whenever a LEVEL 3 warning or LEVEL 2 caution occurs.
C: Whenever a repetitive visual or aural warning, or caution is received that the crew has determined to be false.
Q 04: The actual speed is indicated by the \_\_\_\_\_\_ reference line. A: yellow B: amber C: red D: white
Q 05: If a PFD fails, does anything happen automatically?
A: The ATT HDG switch must be used on the switching panel in order to recover PFD information.
B: The image automatically transfers to the display formerly occupied by the ND.
C: The image automatically transfers to the UPPER ECAM.
D: It has to be manually activated.
Q 06: Course information from the #1 ILS receiver will be displayed:
A: On the captain’s PFD when the captain’s ILS push button is selected ON.
B: On the FO’s PFD when his ILS push button is selected on and on the captain’s ND, when the captain’s ND is selected to ILS ROSE.
C: On the captain’s PFD and ND when the captain’s ILS push button is selected ON.
D: The first two statements are correct
Q 07: Information from the #1 VOR receiver will be displayed:
A: On the capt’s PFD when the captain’s VOR bearing selector is selected to VOR.
B: On the capt ‘s ND when the capt ‘s VOR bearing selector is selected to VOR.
C: VOR #1 course information is available on the captain’s PFD and ND when the captain’s ILS pb is selected ON.
Q 08: What causes a display unit (DU) to go blank?
A: Loss of power.
B: Display unit internal failure.
C: Both are correct.
Q 09: What causes a DU to display a black screen with a white diagonal line?
A: DMC failure.
B: No power.
C: Both are correct.
Q 10: The maximum speed to select next higher flap setting is indicated by two amber dashes.
A: True.
B: False.
Q 11: VOR, ILS, and NDB raw data information is displayed on the ND in which of the following modes?
A: VOR, RMI and NDB information may be displayed in the ARC or ROSE NAV modes.
B: VOR and ILS information can be displayed in the ROSE VOR and ROSE ILS modes respectively
C: Both are correct
Q 12: The presence of VOR1 in red on the ND indicates:
A: The VOR station currently tuned is out of range.
B: The VOR station currently tuned is out of service.
C: The # 1 VOR receiver is inoperative.
D: The VOR station currently tuned is out of range.
Q 13: What is the meaning of “9000” in blue at the top of the altitude scale? A: It marks the FCU selected altitude. B: It marks the airfield elevation. C: It marks the transition altitude. D: It marks the decision height.
Q 14: How many DMC’s are there? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4
Q 15: After a single DMC failure, how could a crew member recover the display units?
A: It is done automatically.
B: Once a DMC has failed, the information is unrecoverable.
C: Rotate the EIS DMC switch on the switching panel to replace the failed DMC with DMC #3.
Q 16: Where is information displayed by DMC #1 and DMC#2?
A: DMC#1 supplies data to PFD#1, ND#1, and lower ECAM. DMC #2 supplies data to PFD#2, ND#2, and upper ECAM.
B: DMC#1 supplies data to PFD#1, PFD#2, and upper ECAM. DMC #2 supplies data to ND#1, ND#2, and lower ECAM.
C: DMC#1 supplies data to PFD#1, ND#1, and upper ECAM. DMC #2 supplies data to PFD#2, ND#2, and lower ECAM.
D: DMC#1 supplies data to PFD#1, ND#2, and lower ECAM. DMC #2 supplies data to PFD#2, ND#1, and upper ECAM.
Q 17: If the lower ECAM DU fails, is there a way to retrieve that information?
A: By pressing and holding the related systems page push button on the ECAM control panel, the page will be displayed on the UPPER ECAM.
B: By rotating ECAM/ND XFR switch on switching panel, lower ECAM page will be transferred to either Capt or FO’s ND.
C: Both are correct.
C: Both are correct. Q 18: If the UPPER ECAM DU fails, what will be displayed on the lower unit? A: System display page. B: Engines and Warning page (E/WD) C: Status page.
Q 19: Weather radar can be displayed in what modes on the ND? A: ARC and ROSE NAV modes only. B: ROSE VOR and ROSE ILS modes. C: ROSE VOR and ROSE ILS modes. D: All modes except plan.
Q 20: RNAV position information is displayed on the ND in which of the following modes? A: ARC and ROSE NAV modes only. B: ROSE VOR and ROSE ILS modes. C: ARC, ROSE and PLAN modes. D: ROSE VOR mode.