Communication Flashcards
Q 01: The audio management system allows the flight crew to use:
A: All the radio communication and radio navigation facilities installed on the aircraft in transmission and reception mode.
B: The interphone system.
C: The call systems and Passenger Address (PA) system.
D: All of the above
Q 02: How can you get the mechanics attention when he is outside the aircraft?
A: Use the MECH pushbutton on the CALLS panel which sounds an external horn.
B: Hold the PA button
C: Select the MECH transmission key on the ACP
D: Select the MECH transmission key on the ACP and hold the pushbutton for 2 seconds.
Q 03: On RMP, the ON/OFF switch controls:
A: The power supply to the RMP.
B: Only the STBY NAV function of the RMP.
C: Only the COM function of the RMP.
Q 04: You can tune the ILS receivers to different channels.
A: Yes.
B: No
Q 05: Which statement is correct regarding the cockpit voice recorder? A: Is automatically energized when the battery pb’s are selected on.
B: Is always active after DC electrical power is applied to the aircraft.
C: Is automatically energized when the parking brake is set.
D: Is automatically energized after the first engine start or five minutes after AC electrical power is applied to the aircraft.
Q 06: If the VHF 3 transmission key illuminated amber showing the word “CALL” A: An ACARS message is waiting. B: Indicates a SELCAL C: The N°1 flight attendant is calling D: ATC is calling
Q 07: Which ACP switch configuration is correct for communication with other cockpit crew members while wearing your Oxygen Mask?
A: ACP INT/RAD switch selected to INT, INT reception knob on, loud speaker volume up.
B: INT transmission key to on, INT reception knob on, use the sidestick push-to-talk when speaking, loud speaker volume up.
C: Both are correct.
Q 08: On the ground, the crew can energize the CVR manually by pressing the GND CTL pushbutton.
A: True.
B: False.
Q 09: RMP #1 is dedicated to which VHF radios? A: VHF 1 and 2. B: VHF 2 and 3. C: VHF 1 and 3. D: All radios.
Q 10: If you depress the guarded NAV button, the MCDU RAD NAV pages are inhibited and the RMP controls navaid tuning.
A: True.
B: False.
Q 11: The AUDIO SWITCHING rotary selector allows replacement of a failed #1 or #2 ACP with ACP #3.
A: True.
B: False.
Q 12: On the ground, CVR is stopped automatically \_\_\_\_\_\_ after the last engine shutdown. A: Immediately B: 1 minute C: 3 minutes D: 5 minutes.
Q 13: Only the last 60 minutes of recording are retained by the CVR.
A: True.
B: False
Q 14: To make a PA announcement:
A: Depress and hold the PA transmission key push button.
B: Use the pedestal mounted headset
C: Both are correct.
Q 15: If an RMP fails, the selected receiver is no longer controlled by this RMP and frequencies and bars disappear from this RMP.
A: True.
B: False.
Q 16: If VHF 1 is selected on RMP 2, SEL light illuminates white:
A: On RMP 2.
B: On RMP 1.
C: On RMP 1 and 2.
Q 17: When looking at either RMP, how is it possible to determine if an RMP is selected to a VHF system it is not dedicated to?
A: The white SEL light will be illuminated on both RMP’s. This is a normal occurrence in-flight.
B: The white SEL light is illuminated on the offside RMP.
C: The white SEL light is illuminated on the onside RMP.
Q 18: In case of RMP 2 failure, VHF 2 is lost.
A: True.
B: False.
Q 19: The service interphone has ______ interphone jacks and an OVRD switch located on the overhead panel. A: Five
B: Seven
C: Eight
D: Ten
Q 20: When selecting the guarded RMP NAV key:
A: Manual tuning via the MCDU RAD NAV page is still possible.
B: Manual tuning via the MCDU RAD NAV page is always possible.
C: FMGC auto tuning is inhibited.
D: Manual tuning via the MCDU RAD NAV page is only possible on the offside radio.
Q 21: You receive a SELCAL on VHF 2, what happens on your ACP?
A: Amber sign call flashes on VHF 2 key.
B: Three green bars come on.
C: White SELCAL appears on VHF 2 pushbutton and VHF 2 reception selector illuminates white.
D: All of the above.
Q 22: If RMP navigation tuning is currently in use for VOR tuning and ATC assigns a new communication frequency, what must be done?
A: The NAV key must be deselected and then press the transfer key.
B: Tune the new frequency on the offside RMP.
C: Select the appropriate VHF communication radio transmission key, tune using the rotary selector, press the transfer key
Q 23: When the aircraft is in the Emergency Electrical Configuration:
A: RMP’s 1 and 2, and ACP’s 1 and 2 are both operative.
B: RMP 1 and ACP’s 1 and 2 are operative.
C: RMP 1 and ACP 1 are operative.
D: RMP 2 and ACP’s 1 and 2 are operative.
Q 24: With the AUDIO SWITCHING knob in the CAPT3 position, the Captain uses his acoustic equipment on ACP3.
A: True.
B: False.