India And China unit 2 Flashcards
What was special about Daro and harappa?
Designed on a grid system and it had advanced sewage and drainage system
What is Sanskrit
Writing system of the Aryans
What is Raja
An Indian prince
Define India’s caste system
Rigid social categories that determine a persons occupation economic and social status
Which group was in the lowest level of society
Which individual won at the battle of kalinga, converted to Buddhism placed rock ethics, pillars and markers on India’s travel pass, and is known as the “Father founding father of Indian”
Who was the Indian father of algebra
List three contributions from India
eastern philosophies of Hinduism and Buddhism
Can you believe that the individual soul is reborn after death. Returns to another body until the soul finally reaches
The combined effect of a persons actions over their life. If they have been bad, then they will return in a lower cast
The ultimate moral balance of things a duty or responsibility you have in this life to accomplish something
List the three main Hindu gods
Brahma-the creator
Vishnu-the preserver
Shiva-the destroyer
List sacred Hindu texts
Vedas, Upanishads Mahabharata Ramayana Bhagavad-Gita
Who was the founder of Buddhism
Siddhartha Guatama
What four things did Siddhartha Guatama see when he left the palace for the first time
Elderly man
sick person
dead body
the fourth thing he saw was a monk who is the only person who seemed at peace
Sacred text for Buddhist
Four Noble truths
the five precepts
the Eightfold path to enlightenment
Ultimate goal and reality for all Buddhist - the end of self and a reunion with the universal soul. brings an end to reincarnation, suffering and pain
What was the main product carried on silk Road
List the rivers that support this civilization(China)
Yellow River
Yangtze River
What are the oracle bones
The Chinese used oracle bones to communicate with the gods. A Person would write a question, pour hot metal on the bone, and then let the priest read the cracks for answers
The belief that the spirits of family ancestors could bring good advice/luck or evil fortune to the living family members
Ancestor worship
The believe that a ruler had the blessings of heaven, or the right to rule
If natural disaster/crop failures or robbers destroyed villages, then rulers were perceived as leaders who had lost the _____
Mandate of Heaven
Love and respect that sons and daughters have for their parents,
the elderly, and ancestors.
Duty of sons and daughters to place their needs and desires aside for the good of the family or country. PUT ASIDE WHAT YOU WANT
Filial piety
Considered the first teacher in China. His teachings are written in the analects.
He also proposed filial piety and the five family relationships
What are the teachings of Confucius called
The belief in inaction, act in harmony with the universe.
Behave spontaneously. respond to situations but let nature take it’s course by not interfering with it
Followers believe in action
Legalist argue for system of laws and consequences for breaking the laws
When was the great wall of China built, and under which dynasty?
(221BC-206BC) Qin dynasty
It was finished roughly 1500 years later
What impact did natural barriers have on the development of China
China developed in relative isolation
2 India rivers
What 2 cities developed from Indian rivers
Mohenjo-data and
Top export from China
How was silk made
Silk worms produced it
How did they export silk
Silk Road
3 contributions of ancient Chinese
What 3 things came from India
Spices languages religion (Hinduism,budism)
2 famous firsts of Mohenjo-Dara and Harappa
Grid system
Drainage and sewage system
Nickname of the Great Wall
Long graveyard
What happened to people who tried to run away protest or died on the Great Wall
They were buried there
Who proposed filial piety
List 3 Hindu gods
Highest mountain chain
3 Buddhist texts
4noble truths
8 fold path
5 precepts
Hindu texts
Laws of manu
The Upanishads
Terra cotta warriors
Oracle bones
I’m symbol
Great empower who switched to Buddhism
Invented Algebra
Chinese medicine Chinese compass
Yellow emperor
Created silk
Luo Zu
First to claim Mandate of Heaven
Zhou dynasty
Warlike kings, feudal society.
Legendary craftsman
Shang dynasty
Founder of zen budism
5 forms of King fu
Started Great Wall of china
Emperor Qin
Who is Huang Di
Yellow emperor developed Chinese medicine
Bronze casting