Improved Model: Orbitals - Atomic Structure (3.3) Flashcards
Electrons are not really confined to circular orbits around the nucleus, rather _______
they form electron clouds/orbitals.
How many different types of atomic orbital are there?
How many s - orbitals are there per sublevel?
Which orbital fits around each other with the nucleus in the middle?
S - orbital
Which other names are given to p-orbitals?
dumbell or “figure of 8”.
Each p-orbital points in a different direction. True or False?
P- orbitals do not fit together to make the p-sublevel. True or False?
False - P-orbitals fit together to make the p-sublevel.
How many orbitals are there in each d-sublevel?
There are 6 f-orbitals in each f-sublevel. True or False?
False - there are 7 f-orbitals in each f- sublevel.
Why do can each orbital only hold 2 electrons?
This is explained through sublevels and why they exist, as they can hold different numbers of electrons.
Energy levels = electron shells. True or False?
An element in the d-block has its outer electron in the d-orbital. True or False?
Energy levels can be made up of multiple orbitals. True or False?
All orbitals in a sub-level have the same amount of energy. True or False?
What does the Aufbau principle state?
You must fill orbitals from the lowest to the highest energy.
What does Hund’s rules state?
Due to electron repulsion, you must fill orbitals singularly before pairing them up.
What does Pauli exclusion principle state?
To minimise electron repulsion, you must pair electrons only if they have opposite spins (up and down positioning).
Why does sulfur have a lower first ionisation energy than phosphorus?
- Sulfur has a pair of electrons in its outer p-orbital, whereas phosphorus does not.
- Due to this, paired electrons repel each other slightly, therfore less energy is required to remove 1 electron in sulfur.