Important People* Flashcards
What is Arnold Lazarus well known for?
Lazarus is well known for being a pioneer in behavioral therapy, especially systematic desensitization. He is also known for multimodal therapy.
What is Jay Haley known for?
Strategic and Problem solving therapy
What is Jean Piaget known for?
Cognitive development of children
What is Alfred Binet known for?
Development of the first intelligence test.
What is Robert Kegan known for?
Cognitive development of adults
What is William Perry known for?
Dualistic thinking
What is A.A. Brill known for?
Psychoanalytic Career theory
What is Milton H. Erickson known for?
Brief psychotherapy and innovative techniques
What is Freud known for?
Psychosexual stages
What is Erik Erikson known for?
Psychosocial stages
What is Lev Vygotsky known for?
Disagreed with Piaget that development occurs naturally; argued that stages of development occur after educational intervention.
What is Lawrence Kohlberg known for?
Leading theorist regarding moral development
What is John B. Watson known for?
Father of behaviorism
What is CG. Jung known for?
Father of analytic psychology
What is Alfred Adler known for?
Founder of Individual psychology; inferiority complex
What is Martin Seligman known for?
Learned helplessness
What is Harry Stack Sullivan known for?
psychiatry of interpersonal relations: the stages of infancy, childhood, the juvenile era, preadolescence, early adolescence, and late adolescence.
What is John Bowlby known for?
Bonding and attachment
What is Arnold Gessell known for?
using a one way mirror to observe children
What is Harry Harlow known for?
working with rhesus monkeys regarding maternal deprivation and isolation
What is Rene Spitz known for?
anaclitic depression
What is Eleanor Gibson known for?
The visual cliff measuring child depth perception
What is John Locke known for?
17th century philosopher associated with empiracism
What is Kurt Goldstein known for?
he is a gestalt psychologist emphasizing a holistic (organismic) view
What is Konrad Lorenz known for?
Imprinting goslings to make them believe he’s their mother
What is William Glasser known for?
Father of reality therapy
What is Frank Parsons known for?
School Counseling; father of guidance
What is Albert Ellis known for?
What is Joseph Wolpe known for?
Systematic desensitization to reduce phobias
What is Eric Berne known for?
Father of Transactional Analysis
What is Emile Durkheim known for?
founders of modern sociology and did extensive research in suicide; stopped “armchair speculation” and started research”
What is William McDougall known for?
father of Hormic psychology
What is Carol Gilligan known for?
Feminist; Ethical community and relationships
What is Leon Festinger known for?
Cognitive Dissonance (1957)
What is F.H. Allport known for?
The concept of Social facilitation.
What is Edward Alsworth Ross known for?
Social Psychology
What is Jacob Moreno known for?
Pionered psychodrama and coined the term group therapy.
What is Irvin Yalom known for?
Existentialist known for group work
What is John Holland known for?
Occupational psychology (environment should be congruent with personality type)
What is Anne Roe known for?
Cognitive theory of hypnotism
What is Andrew Salter known for?
Pioneer in behavior therapy; created paradigm dubbed conditioned reflex therapy and behaviorist theory of hypnosis and autohypnosis
What is Joseph Pratt known for?
Boston physician formed counseling/therapy groups in 1905-1923 to cope with tuberculosis
What is Fritz Perlz known for?
Father of Gestalt therapy
What is Edmund Griffith (E.G.) Williamson known for?
Associated with the Minnesota Viewpoint
What is Gerald Corey known for?
Extensive work on Group Therapy.
What is Victor Vroom known for?
Expectancy theory of motivation and management
What is Anne Roe known for?
Psychoanalytic theory of career counseling based heavily on personality theory
What is Edwin Bordin known for?
Psychoanalytic theory of career counseling which argued career choices could be used to resolve other unconscious conflicts
What is Donald Super known for?
Five stage developmental theory of career development