Important Features of the Foot Flashcards
What are the 5 main joints of the foot?
Subtalar joint (talo-calcaneal) Talo-calcaneo-navicular Calcaneo-cuboid Cuneo-navicular Tarso-metatarsal
What amputation is performed at the tarso-metatarsal joint?
Lisfranc amputation
What two joints combine to form the transverese tarsal joint?
talo-navicular part of talo-calcaneo-navicular joint
What amputation is performed at the transverse tarsal joint?
Chopart’s amputation
What are the 3 important plantar ligaments of the foot?
Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (spring ligament)
Long plantar ligament
Short plantar ligament (plantar calcaneocuboid)
What does the plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament do?
supports the head of the talus
What does the long plantar ligament do?
supports/maintains the longitudinal arch of the foot
What does the short plantar (plantar calcaneocuboid) ligament do?
involved in maintaining the longitudinal arch of the foot
What is the inferior extensor retinaculum?
Y-shaped band of deep fascia in the foot (Supports muscles and tendons)
Plantar aponeurosis is also part of the deep fascia of the foot. What does it do?
supports the longitudinal arch of the foot and protects deeper structures in the sole
What are the 3 arches of the foot?
medial longitudinal
lateral longitudinal
transverse longitudinal
What is the medial longitudinal arch composed of? What is its position relative to the lateral longitudinal arch?
Calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms, & 1st – 3rd metatarsals
Higher (also more important)
What is the lateral longitudinal arch composed of? Is it involved in standing?
Calcaneus, cuboid, & 4th, 5th metatarsals
rests on the ground when standing (flatter than the medial arch)
What is the transverse longitudinal arch of the composed of?
Navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid, & 1st – 5th metatarsals
What are the passive supports of the arches of the foot?
plantar aponeurosis
long plantar ligament
short plantar (plantar calcaneocuboid) ligament
Spring (calcaneonavicular) ligament
What are the dynamic supports of the arches of the foot?
tibialis anterior m tibialis post m flexor hallucis longus m fibularis longus m intrinsic plantar m (extensor digitorum/hallucis brevis)
What 7 nerves supply the foot?
Saphenous nerve (from femoral)
Superficial fibular nerve (branch of common fibular)
Deep fibular nerve (branch of common fibular)
Medial plantar nerve (terminal division of tibial)
Lateral plantar nerve (terminal division of tibial)
Sural nerve ( From union of cutaneous branches from tibial and common fibular nerves)
Calcaneal branches (from sural and tibial nerves)
What arteries supply the dorsum of the foot? (in order of appearance)
anterior tibial artery dorsalis pedis artery (medial side) lateral tarsal artery (lateral side) arcuate artery (lateral side) deep plantar artery (medial side) 1st dorsal metatarsal artery dorsal digital arteries
What arteries supply the plantar aspect of the foot? (from the toes to the tibia)
deep plantar artery perforating branches medial plantar artery lateral plantar artery posterior tibial artery