Hip Joint and Ligaments Flashcards
What joint is found between the acetabulum and the head of the femur?
Hip joint (Coxal joint)
What type of joint is the hip joint?
multiaxial ball and socket synovial joint
What actions are conferred by the hip joint?
ABduction, ADduction, flexion, extension, circumduction, rotation
The Hip joint, has a cavity deepened a fibrocartilaginous structure called the?
acetabular labrum
The cavity of the Hip Joint also has a ligament associated with it. What is it called?
transverse acetabular ligament
The transverse acetabular bridges and converts the acetabular notch into what?
a foramen for the passage of nerves and vessels
The hip joint receives blood from which vessels?
branches of the medial and lateral femoral circumflex aa.
sup/inf gluteal aa.
obturator artery
What nerves innervate the hip joint?
femoral obturator sciatic sup gluteal nerve to quadratus femoris nerve to acetabulum
What is the purpose of the acetabular labrum?
stabilizes the hip joint
What does the fibrous capsule enclose?
part of the head and most of the neck of the femur
What ligaments reinforce the fibrous capsule ant, post, and inferiorly?
iliofemoral anteriorly
ischiofemoral posteriorly
pubofemoral inferiorly
Which ligament is the largest and most important ligament that reinforces the fibrous capsule anteriorly?
iliofemoral ligament
What shape does the iliofemoral ligament make?
inverted Y shape
What does the iliofemoral ligament do?
resists hyperextension and lateral rotation at the hip joint during standing
What does the ischiofemoral ligament do?
limits extension and medial rotation of the thigh
What does the pubofemoral ligament do?
limits extension and ABduction
What is another name for the Round Ligament of the Head of the Femur?
Ligamentum teres capitis femoris
Where does the ligamentum teres capitis femoris attach?
to the fovea capitis femoris
Which artery does ligamentum teres capitis femoris provide a pathway for?
the foveolar artery which supplies it and is a posterior branch of the obturator artery
What ligament converts the acetabular notch into a foramen?
transverse acetabular ligament