Impact of sport on society Flashcards
What are sociology’s two main concerns ?
- Examining interactions and interdependence
- How human behaviours are controlled (agents of socialisation)
What is soicety ?
Organised groups of people associated for some specific purpose or with a shared common interest
What is socialisation ?
A life-long process where members of a society learn its norms, values, ideas, practices and roles in order to take place in that society
What is priamary socialisation ?
- This happens in the family
- We predominantly learn the values and attitudes of the value and attitudes of the family
- Aquire human skills of love, sadness and empathy
What is secondary socialisation ?
- comes from our environment
- includes media, religion, workplace, peer, educationW
What is gender socialisation ?
- Learning of behaviour and attitudes historically considered appropriate for a given sex
- Agents of socialisation promotes gender roles
What is social control ?
- an alteration in the social order of society
- society is defined by change
- sport as a vehicle for change
- sport challenges stereotypes
- challenges inequality
What are examples of social change in sport ?
- creche for women in leisure centre
- ‘This girl can’ campaign
What are the types of issues that can happen in sports ?
- inequality
- discrimination
- stereotypes
- myths - linked with ethnicity
Why do people experoemce inequality in sports ?
- lack of money
- lack of rolemodels
- lack of confidence
What can the inequality in sport participation lead to ?
- a lack of social interaction
- further stereotyping
- a lack of role models
- lack of media coverage
- reduction in confidence
How does social change in sport have an affect and how can it happen ?
- needs to come from within sports with involvement from under-represented groups
- Alteration of social order
- Campaigns help educate, challenge stereotypes and positive change
- Sport England - ‘This girl can’
- The change Foundation - engages at risk young people through sports
What more can be done with social change in sport ?
- clubs adjusting to the need of the minority groups
- minority groups in decision making process
- include members in national governing body
- introduction of child-care facilities
- women only classes
- campaign promoting participation
What is social stratification ?
‘a type of social inequality where society is divided into different levels on the basis of a social characteristic such as wealth or status’
- layered society
- born into opportunities
- stratification creates a decrease social mobility
- maintains hegemonic group
How does class in school affect experience ?
- difference affects the experience depending on state or private
- better facilities
- more opportunities
- better trained staff
- lower class = poorer health
- low class have less disposable income (to buy equipment and fees)
How does social class effect sports clubs ?
- other responsibilities in the home (young carer)
- working class people may not be able to afford fees
- survey indicates a large difference in participation and class for tennis with more people in managerial careers