Immunizations Flashcards
What’s active immunity?
Protection that’s produced by the persons own immune system.
Active immunity is produced by fighting infection and receiving vaccination
What does the fed law req that all pts getting vaccines receive?
Most up-to-date version of the Vaccine Info Statement (VIS) b4 each vaccine is admin
What’s passive immunity?
Protection produced by an animal or human and transferred to a human, usually by inj
This wanes w/in a few wks or months
What’s the most common form of passive immunity?
Antibodies an infant receives from the mother
What’s live attenuated vaccine?
Also called weakened vaccines are produced by modifying a dx-producing “wild” virus or bacterium in a lab.
They retain ability to replicate (grow) and produce immunity, but don’t cause illnes
What’s inactivated vaccine?
Can be composed of either whole viruses or bacteria or fractions of either
How long after giving vaccine should we wait b4 giving antibody?
2 wks
How long after giving antibody should we wait b4 giving vaccine? Exception?
Wait 3 months (may be up to 11 months) b4 giving vaccine
Zoster vaccine - not affected by circulating antibody
Advantages of simultaneous vaccine admin? CI to simultaneous vaccine admin?
Increases probability that the child will be fully immunized at the appropriate age
No! There are no CI
Which vaccines are non-simultaneous admin? How long do u wait btw admin?
Live parenteral (injected) vaccines e.g MMR, MMRV, varicella, zoster and yellow fever)
Separate by at least 4 wks from
Live Intranasal or influenza vaccine (LAIV)
Effect of increasing interval btw multi-dose vaccine?
It may delay more complete protection, but not effectiveness
Effect of decreasing interval btw multi-dose vaccine?
May interfere with antibody response and protection
When’s a shorter dosing interval used for Multi-dose vaccines?
Following a high risk exposure
What’s the preferred method to avoid a false negative response to the TB skin test?
Purified protein derivative (PPD) of tuberculin + live vaccines
If a live vaccine has been recently given, but not on the same day as the PPD, how long should u wait to avoid a false negative TB test result?
4 wks
List the categories that vaccine SEs or ADRs fall into?
What’re the most common type of ADRs that are local rxns?
Redness at site of inj
What’re the most common type of ADRs that are systemic rxns?
Generalized events and include
Myalgia (muscle pain)
Loss of appetite
When does systemic rxns typically occur!
Usually 7-12 days after vaccine (ie, after an incubation period of the vaccine virus))
What’s Intranasal LAIV? Implication?
Cold adapted vaccine ie can replicate in cooler temp of upper airways (nose and throat), but not in the higher temp of the lower airways and lungs
Mild cold-like sx eg runny nose may occur
How can anaphylactic rxn be prevented?
By good screening prior to vaccination
What’re the most common type of ADRs that are anaphylactic?
Mediated by IgE
Generalized urticaria (hives) Swelling of the mouth and throat Difficulty breathing Wheezing Abdominal cramping Hypotension Shock
Where should clinically significant AEs be reported to?
FDA vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS)
What must all providers that provide vaccine have?
Emergency protocols + supplies to treat anaphylaxis
What conditions are absolute CI to live vaccines?
What’s a steroid-induced Immunosuppression?
Corticosteroids use of
20mg/ more per day of Prednisone
2mg/kg or more per day of Prednisone
What vaccine is indicated during pregnancy? When is the optimal time?
Wk 27-36
List vaccinations for healthcare professionals
Hep B
Flu (influenza)
Varicella (chickenpox)
TdaP (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)
T/F? Anaphylaxis after a previous dose of vaccine is a CI to the vaccine in the future?
What criteria should be used to determine if a pt can obtain inactivated influenza vaccine?
If a pt can eat lightly cooked eggs w/o a rxn
If a pt experiences ONLY hives after eating egg-containing food
Admin vaccine and monitor pt for at least 30 min after admin
Which vaccines can provoke an allergic rxn in persons with an egg allergy?
Yellow fever
Which vaccine is allergic rxn to egg no longer a consideration?
Which vaccine should not be given to any one with a true gelatin or neomycin allergy?
Varicella vaccines (Zostavax and Varivax)
Which vaccine is CI in streptomycin, Polymixin B and neomycin allergies?
Inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV)
In what population is DTaP recommended?
DTaP series given to children younger than 7 years of age
6 wks to 6 yrs
Brand name of HepA?
Brand name of HepB?
Recombivax HB
Brand name of HepA-HepB?
In what popu is Hep B (Engerix-B, Recombivax HB) recommended?
Health workers
Anyone with multiple partners
IV drug users
Chronic liver