Compounding Requirements And Terminology Flashcards
What’s the relationship btw FDA-approved and regulated drugs and NDA, GML NDC number and expiration date?
They must have:
An approved NDA
Must be produced under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Have NDC numbers
And carry a set of expiration date (provided by pharmacy)
What should be applied to each compded pdt to determine expiry?
Beyond use dates
List gen non-sterile compounding rules
Compounding space should be separate and away from dispensing section
Ideally, use only USP or NF chemicals from FDA-inspected manufacturers
Req logs
Info for each compounded product
What expiration date should be on labels of Pharmacy-Compounded pdts wrt solids (non-aqueous) preparation?
Up to 6-months
Date that’s no later than 25% of time left on manufacturers date
Use whichever is soonest
What expiration date should be on labels of Pharmacy-Compounded pdts wrt aqueous preparation?
No more than 14 days (if stored in refrigerator)
If compounding a rx that calls for alcohol and the type is not specified, what should u use?
USP 95% ethyl alcohol
List the pdts that must be compounded in a sterile environment
Wound and cavity irrigation baths
Eye drops and ointments
What type of water should be used in sterile compounding?
Sterile water for injection
Bacteriostatic water for injection
Sterile compounding req personnel trained and evaluated ANNUALLY for competency in what areas?
Aseptic techniques
Environmental control
Quality assurance testing
End-pdt evaluation
Sterility testing
What’s the req of preparing an injectable?
Certified sterile compounding environment must be either:
ISO class 5 (class 100) laminar air flow hood
Within ISO class 7 (class 10,000) clean room with positive pressure differential relative to adjacent areas
OR a barrier isolator that provides a ISO class 5 (class 100) environment for compounding
Whats req to enter the clean room - ISO class 5 (class 100)?
Clean room garb (low-shedding coverall, head cover, face mask and shoe covers)
Hand, finger and wrist jewelry is NOT allowed
Head and facial hair have to be out of the way (tied up) and covered
Should u separate the sterile and non-sterile areas?
T/F? When measuring, select a deveined equal to or slightly larger than the amount to be measured
What should be used if the vol to be measured is viscous?
What are pipettes used for?
Liquid that 1.5mL or less of liquids
Which is the most commonly used mortars and pestle?
Wedgewood or porcelain
What’s Wedgewood or porcelain best for?
Best for reducing particle size of dry powders and crystals
What mortar and pestle is preferred for blending powders or pulverizing soft material? Why?
Bcuz it has a Smoother surface than wedgewood
What type of mortar and pestle is used for liquids and chemicals that are oily or that may stain porcelain, including many chemo agents?
Glass mortar & pestle
What’s glass mortar & pestle preferred for?
For mixing liquids and semi-soft dosage forms
What’s glassine weighing paper used for?
Weighing ointments and some dry chemicals
What type and size of spatula blades are used?
Large metal (stainless steel) spatula blades
Small spatula (< 6 inches) blades are used for transferring pdt from large spatula to jars
What’s plastic spatulas used for?
Used for chemicals e.g. Potassium, iodine, that can react with stainless steel blades