Immune System Part 2 Flashcards
Molecular Communication in the Immune System
Cytokines =
Pro-Inflammatory Mediators (3)
One way Cytokines are used to create a response
- What are the cells that live in our bloodstream? and they are all ______ = constantly produced by bone marrow
- During a bacterial infection, what do cytokines do?
Cell derived chemical mediators responsible for communication between immune cells (Cyto means cell)
IL1, IL6, TNF Alpha
- Cytokines
- Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Monocytes - INDUCIBLE
- Act on bone marrow to trigger increased production of neutrophils
Innate Immunity
- Barriers to Infection (3)
- In______
- _____ cells
- Plasma _____ systems (3)
- _____ Phase Response
- ____ ____ Cells and I_______
- Physical, Chemical, Microbial
- Inflammation
- Phagocytic cells
- Plasma Protein Systems: Clotting System, Complement System, Kinin System
- Acute
- Natural Killer Cells and Interferon
Physical Barriers: skin, epithelial and endothelial boundaries, mucous membranes
Routes of Infection for Pathogens
Mucosal Surfaces
External Epithelia
- *
Mucosal Surfaces
- Airway (flu)
- GI tract (contaminated food and water salmonella)
- Reproductive tract (HIV)
External Epithelia
- External surface (Physical contact ie Athletes foot)
- Wounds and Abrasians
- Insect Bites (Vector that gets it across the epithelial like instects that inject ie Ticks)
Frontline of Defense: Barriers
Examples of each (3) (5) (1)
Mechanical Barriers
- Tight Junctions
- Flow of air or fluid across barriers to prevent lingering of pathogens
- Mucus and Cilia
Chemical Barriers (reduce pathogenic microbial proliferation)
- Low pH in stomach
- Fatty Acids
- Digestive enzymes in stomach
- Lysozyme (salivary enzymes) in saliva
- Antibacterial peptides
- Natural flora and microorganisms that live in our body
Second Line of Defense
- Damaged tissue releases _____ increasing ____ flow to the area
- Histamines cause capillaries to _____, releasing ______ and _____ factors into the wound
- Phagocytes _____ bacteria, dead cells, and cellular debris
- _____ move out of the capillary to ____ the wounded area
- Steps
- Histamines, blood
- leak, phagocytes, clotting
- Engulf
- Platelets, seal
Inflammation (Notes)
- What needs to be present to cause an inflammatory response?
- (2) Responses
- Injury and Presence of a pathogen
- Vascular Response, Cellular Response
Vascular Response (Notes)
What happens?
Increased Capillary permeability (redness, heat, edema)
Delated Vascular Stasis
“delivering blood and fluid to flush the wound and gets flushed into lymphatic system”
Cellular Response
What happens?
Chemotaxic _____ of ______ to area
- First wave:
- Second wave:
- Transmigration =
migration of leukocytes
- Neutrophils -> release reactive O2 species and lysosomal enzymes -> provides debridement
- Monocytes that turn into macrophages will clean up the mess and switch to anti-inflammatory and healing response when things settle down
- Leukocytes squeezing out of blood vessel to enter interstitial space
Inflammation Summary
I____ or _____ of a _____ triggers inflammation (how?)
- Injured tissue releases ______ that activate ______
- Injury activates ____ Cells which release?
- Macrophages detect/_____ pathogen then release?
- Activated ______ stimulate _____ cells to release?
- ________
- Vasodilation, Increased permeability (redness, heat, edema), Delayed Vascular Stasis
- _____ ______
- Chemotaxic migration of leukocytes to area
- ______ of ______
- Pathogens phagocytized or destroyed via ________ killing
- Phagocytic cells carry ____ through ____ fluid to the nearest?
Injury or Presence of a Pathogen
- cytokines -> macrophages
- Mas cells -> pro-inflammatory mediators
- ingests -> pro-inflammatory mediators
- Macrophages -> Mast Cells -> pro-inflammatory mediators
- Vascular
- Cell Migration
- Attack of Pathogens
- extracellular
- antigen -> lymph -> lymph nodes
Inflammation Summary (Notes)
**Cellular Initiators of Inflammation** =
Edema happens due to?
Delayed Vascular Stasis =
Neutrophils will ___ but Macrophages carry antigens to lymph nodes and present to _____ _-cells (___) incase it needs to activate an immune response
Tissue Macrophages and Mast Cells
leaking of albumin (swelling)
Caused when fluid leaks out, what is left is very sluggish viscous fluid - which keeps leukocytes in the area (3rd response of inflammation in the cascade)
die, Helper-T cells (CD4)
How Macrophages are Inflammatory Mediators
Activated Macrophage Secretes a range of Cytokines
Key ones to focus on are? and their functions?
- 3.
- IL1 = activates mast cells
- TNF alpha = causes vasodilation and increased capillary permeability
- IL6 = important for the systemic inflammatory response
Things that Activate Mast Cells
- Injury
- Interleukin 1 (coming from macrophage or straight from injured cells)
- IgE (allergies)
- Complement Proteins (C3a and C5a)
2 Things that Happen When we activate Mast Cells
- Degranulation: Immediate response - of all the mast cell’s secretory granules, it releases all of the stuff in its granules
Synthesis of Leukotrienes and Prostaglandins: Long term response - make the inflammatory response painful (prostaglandins)
- vascular effects -> increased permeability -> exudation
What is secreted? and what are their effects?
- Histamine -> Vascular effects -> dilation, increased permeability -> exudation (potent vasodilator to increase permeability)
- Neutrophil chemotactic factor -> attracts neutrophils to site -> phagocytosis
- Eosinophil chemotactic factor -> attracts eosinophils
Vascular Events Location
Where do vascular events during inflammation happen?
Flow of blood?
_____ surrounds capillary bed
Microcirculation: capillaries, arterioles, venules
Arterioles -> capillary beds -> Drains into venules
Events of Transmigration
Migration to site
General Cell Derived Chemical Mediators
- Source:
- Stimuli for release:
- Effects:
Neutrophil, Eosinophil Chemotaxic factors
- Source
- Stimuli for release:
- Effects:
- Mast Cells, Basophils, Platelets
- Leukocyte inflammatory activation, platelet activation
- Increase Vasodilation, Increase Vascular Permeability
Neutrophil, Eosinophil Chemotaxic factors
- Mast Cells, Basophils
- Inflammatory activation
- Attracts circulating neutrophils and eosinophils
General Cell-derived Chemical Mediators
- Source:
- Stimuli for release:
- Effects:
- Source
- Stimuli for release:
- Effects:
- All leukocytes, Platelets, ECs, all injured cells
- Leukocyte inflammatory activation, platelet activation, cell injury
- Increased vasodilation, Increased vascular permeability, PAIN
- All leukocytes, all injured cells
- Leukocyte inflammatory activation, cell injury
- Increased vasodilation, Increased vascular permeability
General Cell Derived Chemical Mediators
What are the 2 inflammatory mediators that cause the most of the Damage
- ________
- Source:
- Stimuli for release:
- Effects:
- Source:
- Stimuli for release:
- Effects:
What are the 2 major cells that release these inflammatory mediators?
Reactive O2 Species (released extracellulary)
- All Leukocytes (especially neutrophils, macrophages), Platelets, ECs
- Leukocyte inflammatory activation, Platelet activation, Cell injury
- Main function is to destroy pathogens but also causes collateral damage to neighboring host tissue
Lysosomal Enzymes
- Neutrophils, Macrophages
- Inflammatory activation
- Degradation/Digestion as a part of phagocytosis, also some release into extracellular space to cause pathogen injury (also results in host tissue injury)
Neutrophils and Macrophages
TNF alpha
- Source (4)
- Stimuli for Release:
- Local Effects
- Increased ______, Increased ______
- Increased leukocyte _______, m_____ and n_____ attraction and activation, promotes macrophage ________
- Systemic Effects
- Increased _ _ _, f____, decreased a______, increased liver production of? (ie. CRP, MBL)
- Activated Macrophages, NK cells, Mast cells, injured cells
- Inflammatory activation or cell injury
- Local
- vasodilation, vascular permeability
- adhesion, monocytes and neutrophils, phagocytosis
- Systemic
- CRH, fever, appetite, acute phase proteins
- Source:
- Stimuli for Release:
- Local Effects
- Increased _______, Increased ________, increased leukocyte ______
- Systemic Effects
- Increased _ _ _, f_____, decreased ______, increased liver production of? (CRP, MBL)
- Activated Macrophages, Injured cells
- Inflammatory activation or cell injury
- Local
- vasodilation, vascular permeability, adhesion
- Systemic
- CRH, fever, appetitie, acute phase proteins
- Source:
- Stimuli for Release
- Systemic Effects
- Increased _ _ _, f_____, decreased _____, increased liver production of? (CRP, MBL)
- Activated Macrophages, EC’s
- Inflammatory activation or cell injury
- Systemic
- CRH, fever, appetite, acute phase proteins
Plasma Protein Systems
Complement System
Kinin System
Clotting System
Complement System
- Source (1)
- Stimuli for Release: (3)
- Effects: Enhances vascular changes (increased _____, increased _______), aids leukocyte _____, chemo____ and activation, promotes phagocytosis via ______, direct ____ of pathogens via ______ _____ _____
- Liver
- Presence of pathogen, Part of acute phase response, Part of adaptive immune response
- vasodilation, vascular permeability, adhension, chemotaxis, opsonization, killing via membrane attack complex