Cardiovascular Patho Part 1 Flashcards
Hyperlipidemia is a major risk factor for the development of _______
(3) types of lipids found in the body
Because _______ and ______ are insoluble in plasma they are encapsulated by special fat-carrying proteins called _________
(5) Types of lipoproteins (classified by density)
- Triglycerides
- Phospholipids
- Cholesterol
Triglycerides, Cholesterol, Lipoproteins
- Chylomicrons
- Very-low density lipoproteins (VLDL)
- Intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL)
- Low-density lipoproteins (LDL)
- High-density lipoproteins (HDL)
Lipoproteins are named based on their ______ content measured by density.
Density determined by centrifugation: highest density is pushed down
- Chylomicrons and VLDL mostly made up of and delivers ______
- LDL: mostly made up and delivers ______
- HDL: mostly ______
- Primary role:
- triglycerides
- cholesterol
- protein
- regulate amount of LDL in circulation
Structure of a Lipoprotein
- (1): Make up outer layer and have hydrophobic water soluble heads and fat soluble tails -> therefore heads face ____ and fatty acid tails face the ____
- Inside (2)
- (1): Acts as identifying markers for lipoproteins so each diff type of lipoprotein (HDL, LDL, etc) has diff ones - allows cell to _____ which one it is and determine its m_____ fate
- Phospholipids, plasma, lipoprotien core
- Cholesterol, Triglycerides
- Apoproteins, recognzie, metabolic
Sources of Lipids and Lipoprotein Synthesis
- Consumed cholesterol and triglycerides converted to _______ (made up of mostly triglycerides) by intestinal ______ cells -> then absorbed by intestines and goes a few places
- Stored in (2) (consumed for energy)
- (1): dissamebles these chylomicrons and produces ____ and _____ and release into circulation
- VLDLS along with the rest of the chylomicrons already in circulation get converted into ____ then _____
chylomicrons, epithelial
- adipose tissue, skeletal muscle
- liver, HDL and VLDL
- IDL and LDL
Uses of LDL (Notes)
- Maintains plasma _____ ______
- Taken up by ______ glands to produce _____ hormones
- Liver takes up 70% of LDLs and uses it to produce ______
- (1): All of htese cells take up LDL using their own LDL receptors
- membrane structure
- endocrine, steroid
- bile
- Receptor Mediated Uptake
Ways LDL is removed from the Body (Notes)
- (1) Pathway
- (1): 2nd method LDL is removed through circulation by binding to HDL and come back to the liver
- (1) Pathway: the pathway that makes LDL damaging to the body, how?
- Receptor Dependent Pathway
- Reverse Cholesterol Transport
Scavenger Pathway
- “bad guy cholesterol” -> excess LDL beyond what is needed for receptor pathway and HDLs “good guys”
- they interact with reactive O2 species and damage lining of blood vessels-> macrophages then come in as part of inflammatory response to consume and remove them
- So since HDL regulates LDL and removes them this is why we want HDL to be high and LDL low
Common Strategies to Reduce Excess LDL (Notes)
Oat bran solution (cheerios)
- increases water soluble fiber: binds with bile in GI tract and forces you to excrete it, less return of bile to liver increases demand so pulls more cholesterol from bloodstream -> lowers circulating LDLs
Bile Acid Sequestrants
- medication that also binds to bile and increases excretion will also reduce circulating LDLs (modest effect)
Statins: HMG-Co-A Reductase inhibitors
- prevents hmg coa reductase enzyme in liver necessary for synthesis of cholesterol -> reduces ability of liver to produce cholesterol -> so it will take more from bloodstream to meet its needs (greatest effect bc blocks liver synthesis)
Hyperlipidemia or dyslipidemia is the presence of _____ levels of certain lipoproteins in the _____ (chylomicrons, LDLs, VLDLs, IDLs)
Two forms of hypercholesterolemia
Primary Hypercholesterolemia:
- Defective synthesis of _____, lack of LDL ______, d_____ receptors
Secondary Hypercholesterolemia:
- Examples
However, no matter if primary or secondary?
elevated, blood
: Elevated levels of cholesterol that develops independent of other health problems or lifestyle behaviors, often genetic
- apoproteins, lack of LDL receptors, defective receptors so are not recognized and taken up by cells in our body like liver
:Associated with lifestyle and behavior
- obesity, high caloric intake, DM etc
Both have greater risk of atherosclerosis
Disorders of Blood Vessels and Circulation
Disturbance of Blood Vessels and Circulation
- Vessel ____: ex atherosclerosis, vasculitis
- Acute vessel ______ due to thrombus or embolus or vasospasm: ex-Raynauds
- Abnormal vessel ______: ex aneurysms
- ______ of vessels by outside forces: ex tumors, edema, firm surfaces
Interrupted blood flow causes impaired delivery of ___ and _____ to tissues (when arteries are affected)
And impaired clearance of blood from capillaries, impaired removal of ____ from tissues, and impaired return of blood to the _____ (when veins are affected)
- Walls
- Obstruction
- Dilation
- Compression
O2, nutrients
waste, blood return to heart
Disorders of Blood Vessels and Circulation (Notes)
Both vessel wall problems will ____ size of vessel and limit flow
- Embolus:
- Vasospasm:
- ______: defined by how it manifests and many causes behind this syndrome (ie. RA)
- effects blood flow mostly to ____- and ____ and very ____ dependent
- Changes in color:
- _____: most commonly with crushing injuries -> compartment syndrome, edema presses up against the fascia and compromises blood flow
- usually blood clot that detaches from where it initially forms but not always a blood clot
- Acute extreme constrictions of wall of the vessel
- Raynauds
- fingers, toes, temperature
- Blanched/pale from constriction of arterial flow or blue/purple from constriction of venous outflow -> pain when blood returns -> first become red then normal if stays warm enough
- Ed
- Edema
A disease of _____-_____ arteries involving the accumulation of ______, ____ ____ cells, and _____ within the ______ of arterial vessel walls
- Most common cause of _____ problems
- Does not effect small arteries and veins bc medium and large size arteries have higher ______* -> persistent lvl of _____ on these endothelial walls makes it more likely for injuries -> inflammation -> plaque formation
- Intima:
medium to large, lipids, smooth muscle cells, collagen, INTIMA
- circulation
- pressure -> stress
- inside layer that faces blood flow, made up of endothelial cells and a little bit of connective tissue just under endothelium
Atherosclerosis (Notes)
- Accumulation just under the epithelium of the intima which is a tiny space -> lumen ______
- In essence, Atherosclerosis is a chronic _____ disease
- So what causes inflammation?
(1): early development of scar tissue caused by chronic injury to endothelium lining of vessels
- Sources of injury: _______ #1 risk factor, H__, H_____ from DM, S_____
- narrows
- inflammatory
- chronic injury -> fibrosis
Atherosclerotic plaque
- Hypercholesterolemia, HTN, Hyperglycemia, Smoking
Common Sites of Severe Atheroslcerosis in Order of Frequency
- Abdominal ____- and _____ Arteries
- Proximal ______ Arteries
- Th_____, F______, and P_____ Arteries
- Internal ______ Arteries
- V_____, B______, and middle C____ Arteries AKA the?
- Abdominal Aorta, Iliac
- Coronary
- Thoracic aorta, Femoral, Popliteal
- Carotid
- Vertebral, Basilar, Cerebral - CIRCLE OF WILLIS: set of arteries found in the base of the brain
Fatty Streaks
- Caused by the deposition of lipid engorged ______ (____ cells) within the intima of the walls of medium to large arteries
- Found in children by age __, increases in number until age __. Streaks then either ______ or remain _____
lipid engorged macrophages (Foam Cells)
1-20, regress or remain static
Fatty Streaks (Notes)
- Fatty Streaks: _______ healing stage in vessels (analagous to cabs) from injury
- Endothelium releases ______ -> neutrophils -> monocyte -> _______ spew out reactive O2 species -> _______ LDLs in the area and macrophages eat them up and move underneath endothelial to accumultae dt increased ______ forming fatty streaks -> allows ______ -> fatty streak _______
- intermediate, acute injury
- cytokines -> macrophages -> oxidize LDLs and eat them -> permeability -> healing -> dissapears