Illness cognition, Cooing Strategies Flashcards
What does Lau define illness as?
Lau defines illness as being away from the normal state of health.
What is the biopsychosocial model by Engel?
The biopsychosocial model explains disease and symptoms with several factors: physical, physiological and social and cultural.
What is the sick role? (Parsons)
Sick role is a sociological construct which a person receives when identified and accepted as ill. It is governed by social expectations of other. Legitimised, not responsible for illness, illness is undesired and help is sought.
What is the self regulation theory (Common sense model)?
It has 3 stages: representation (symptoms), identification of coping behaviour to approach or avoid, and finally appraisal, has it worked or not allows explanation for people’s different experiences.
What are the beliefs about medicine according to Horne?
Specific views: medicines improves health/can be harmful
General views: beliefs about harm from medication/professionals are over reliant on medication (overuse).
What percentage of people don’t adhere to treatment?
30-40% of treatment not adhered to properly due to poor information! memory and beliefs of patients.