Illness and injuries Flashcards
Lordosis: An increased anterior lumbar curve with an associated tilting of the pelvis. This typically leads to tension on the spine, which could result in low-back pain.
An increased posterior thoracic curve with associated rounded shoulders, depressed chest, and forward-head posture with neck hyperextension.
posterior pelvic tilt
Caused when Rectus abdominis and hamstrings are tight. rectus abdominis will pull up on the front of the pelvis, while the hamstrings will pull down on the back of the pelvis. This would keep the pelvis in a position of posterior tilt during standing posture.
What is a diabetic client MOST likely to experience if he or she takes too much insulin prior to an exercise session?
Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) Why? Insulin causes glucose to move from the circulatory system into the working cells. Exercise has an insulin-like effect, resulting in increased glucose uptake by the cells as well. Therefore, if a client takes too much insulin prior to exercise, the client would have two factors (insulin and exercise) that would be facilitating increased glucose uptake by the cells. This will cause a drop in blood glucose, potentially leading to low blood glucose, or hypoglycemia.
If heels off ground when doing bend and lift movement, what does it mean?
If heels off ground: plantarflexors (calfs) too tight
If If knees bend inward when doing bend and lift movement, what does it mean?
If knees bend inward: Hip adductors, tensor fascia latae are tight. Glut under active.
You notice that in his regular standing position, he exhibits a posture in which his shoulders are rounded forward and the backs of his hands face forward when he is standing in a relaxed manner. What is the MOST likely cause of this postural deviation?
indicative of shortened pectorals and latissimus dorsi, as well as overstretched and potentially weakened scapular retractors and shoulder external rotators that passively allow the shoulders to fall forward into internal rotation.
What exercises would be MOST appropriate to include in a client’s initial exercise program if he has postural issues due to a lack of range of motion (ROM) in hip extension?
Half-kneeling triplanar stretch Why? A lack of ROM in hip extension is generally due to tight hip flexors. The half-kneeling triplanar stretch of the hip flexors improves mobility in all three planes without compromising lumbar stability. ACE Personal Trainer Manual (5th ed.), pages 284-285
What muscles tightness can cause internal shoulder rotation ROM is limited?
The infraspinatus and teres minor are primary external shoulder rotators; if they are tight, they will limit internal shoulder rotation. ACE Personal Trainer Manual (5th ed.), page 184
Carrie indicates that she has been diagnosed with “tennis elbow.” Which of the following anatomical structures is MOST affected by this condition?
The lateral epicondyle of the humerus Why? “Tennis elbow” is a common name for lateral epicondylitis, or inflammation of the wrist extensor tendons at their origin on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. ACE Personal Trainer Manual (5th ed.), pages 581-582
For “scapular winging.” Which of the following muscles should be of PRIMARY focus in his resistance-training program, as it is most likely weak and contributing to this postural deviation?
Serratus anterior Why? Weakness in the serratus anterior can result in an inability of these scapular muscles to hold the medial border of the scapula in place against the ribs. This is known as scapular “winging” and results in instability in the scapulothoracic joint that can lead to instability and injury in the shoulder girdle and/or shoulder joint. Personal trainers who see scapular winging should help the clients strengthen the serratus anterior, as well as the rhomboids, which are also often weak with scapular winging. In addition, trainers should help clients learn how to “pack” their scapulae by retracting and depressing the scapulae. ACE Personal Trainer Manual (5th ed.), pages 160-162
Which exercise is CONTRAINDICATED for a client with a history of shoulder impingement syndrome?
Overhead barbell press in the frontal plane Why? This response is correct, as individuals with shoulder injuries, or undergoing post-rehabilitation from shoulder injuries, should modify overhead activities. For example, the overhead press can be modified to use dumbbells with the arms moving in the scapular plane without fully extending the elbows. This takes the shoulder out of the abducted and externally rotated position seen during the overhead barbell press in the frontal plane. ACE Personal Trainer Manual (5th ed.), pages 377 & 579-580
What will happen if hip flexor, iliopsoas and rectus fermoris are tight during Thomas Test?
Test if hip flexor, iliopsoas and rectus fermoris are tight. If lowered thigh not touch table and knee does not flex to 80 degress: primary hip flexor muslces are tight If lowered thigh not touch table, knee does flex to 80 degress: iliopsoas is tight If lowered thigh touches table, knee does not flex to 80 degrees: rectus fermoris is tight ACE PT manual 5th edition p.179
What should client do who is currently taking diuretic medication for hypertension. Which of the following recommendations is MOST appropriate?
Consume fluids before, during, and after exercise Why? This response is the most appropriate because diuretic medications increase the excretion of water and electrolytes through the kidneys. This decreases blood volume and can predispose an exerciser to dehydration. Therefore, adequate fluid intake before, during, and after exercise is important. ACE Personal Trainer Manual (5th ed.), pages 133 & 518-520
Which sets of muscles and muscle groups should be the PRIMARY focus of a flexibility program designed to address this client’s kyphosis deviation?
Shoulder adductors and serratus anterior Why? This answer is correct, as kyphosis posture is associated with tight shoulder adductors (pectoralis major) and tight scapular abductors (serratus anterior) which pull the scapular into protraction. ACE Personal Trainer Manual (5th ed.), page 162
What is sciatica?
Sciatica refers to back pain caused by a problem with the sciatic nerve. This is a large nerve that runs from the lower back down the back of each leg. When something injures or puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can cause pain in the lower back that spreads to the hip, buttocks, and leg.
Common issues identified during Bend and lift screen
squats - don’t tell client techniques common issues: 1. inward knees 2. arched back 3. heels lifted
What does palms face backward when hands are positioned at the sides indicate?
internal (medial) rotation of the humrus and/ or scapular protraction
an inability to lay the back of the right thigh completely flat on the table during the thomas test indicate?
tightness of the right iliopsoas, which is preventing the hip from rotating posteriorly and inhibiting the thigh from being able to touch the table
normal length of the hamstrings in the passive straight-leg (PSL) test indicated when the raised leg archives >= how many degrees of movement before the pelvis rotates posteriorly?
80 degrees
Ability to externally rotate the forearms ? degrees to touch the mat indicates good mobility in INTERNAL (medial) ROTATORS?
90 degrees
Ability to internally rotate the forearms ? degrees towards the mat indicates good mobility in EXTERNAL (lateral) ROTATORS?
70 degrees
Scapular winging during the shoulder push stabilisation screen would MOST likely be due to ______
scapulothoracic joint sttability
The coupling relationship between tight __________ and __________ is defined as the lower-cross syndrome (LCS).
Hip flexors; erector spinae
Tight or overdominant hip flexors are generally coupled with tight erector spinae muscles, producing an anterior pelvic tilt. This coupling relationship between tight hip flexors and erector spinae is defined as the lower-cross syndrome.
A posterior pelvic tilt is caused by tightness in the rectus abdominis and hamstrings.